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knightedskull 25-02-2009 02:08 PM

XCOM/DosBox problem, increased time rate.
Hi, I managed to get a copy of XCOM for dos (before they were on steam) and It's been working fine...until recently when trying it out on a different computer.
The game increased in speed and what not, 5 seconds is now around one minute+. I tried lowering the cycles to match the right time rate on the clock, which dropped the cycle to 1% and made the game laggy or too slow. I tried increasing frameskip because I didn't think of anything else I could do. The didn't work for obvious reasons and no thinking on my part. All other dos games I have work fine, it's just this one game,that I and many people love, that's not working. please suggest any way to fix it or any hints to the dosbox that might fix problems. If i have to show specs that will not be a problem.

The Fifth Horseman 25-02-2009 03:36 PM

In the config file, change Core to Normal. Change Cycles to a set value, same for the values they are increased/decreased by (recommended 12000 to start with and 1000 as both the increase and decrease value).
And don't mess with the frameskip - it's used to speed up things, not slow them down!

knightedskull 25-02-2009 06:15 PM

Awesome thanks, its working again :thumbs:
Time to capture some aliens.

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