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tequilachef 01-02-2006 04:04 PM

Millennia - Altered Destinies
i just thought about an old game i had played once, but i have forgotten the name.

you start with a time machine and some genetic samples of intelligent species. those have to be placed on planets in the galaxy that the game takes place in. now the progress of those species can be altered, if good accelerated. those species have to become that advanced that they can defeat some kind of virus that spreads through the galaxy.

some things i still know... the spacecraft/time machine has to be refueled by absorbing material from gas giants. if filling too much the gas tank bursts, but i THINK it can also be repaired by using fuel.

there are other items that those samples that can be given to the species at some point of their development to accelerate their progress.

you are able to talk to those species to warn them if some threat is coming to them, but they do not automatically listen to you. i remember that i warned one species that a volcano would explode, but it was holy to them or something... well they died out although i had warned them.

well thats almost everything i still know. would be great if someone knows the name of that game.

tequilachef 02-02-2006 10:23 AM

alright found out the name, it is called "millennia - altered destinies"

anyone an idea here to find this game?

Frodo 02-02-2006 10:33 PM

Hi Tequilachef :D

You can buy this game from CD Access -


Atrocity 30-04-2006 04:52 PM

Looked for this game everywhere, and the buy links are either dead, down, or in another language, and all the download links i've tried don't work. Could someone please upload this?

Tom Henrik 30-04-2006 07:52 PM

Took me two seconds to look it up in the list...

Here you are.

Dave 03-07-2007 11:25 AM

Only one copy in stock :whops:
Still Sold :not_ok:, but I hope someone is going to buy it soon!

_r.u.s.s. 03-07-2007 11:51 AM

$31.95 for that? are you crazy?

Dave 03-07-2007 12:14 PM


but I hope someone is going to buy it soon! [/b]
certainly not me LOL

mkrco 02-09-2007 10:07 AM

Millennia: Altered Destinies [2010]
I played this game quite a few years ago but I can't for the life of me seem to remember. I literally went through the whole abandonia, HOTU, and even dosbox game lists in the hope that it might jog my memory, but I can't. In the game you play the part of a time traveller. You have a spaceship/time machine. And there are 3 or 4 different species which you can seed throughout the galaxy. Your task then is to guide each of the species to intelligence, industrialism, and eventually space conquest. The way this is done is that, as a time traveller you can scan the whole timeline for each species (from beginning to end) and you can locate the critical events in their history and try to change them by giving instructions to your little minions. Often times they'll also ask you for help with natural disasters,etc. I remember the game being very hard, but a lot of fun because you could change particular events and watch the whole future of the species change. Then if you don't like it, just go back and try changing it again. But I think there was also something about not being able to meet yourself. Does anyone have any idea what game I'm talking about?? I also remember that you had to get your species to develop fast enough in order to defeat this other species (bad guys) who were hellbent on conquering the galaxy. And you had to balance it in such a way that in the end your species would defeat the bad guys and then each had to control roughly an equal number of star systems in the galaxy. So does anyone else remember this game?? It's beeen driving me crazy the past two days trying to figure it out..


Sebatianos 02-09-2007 11:10 AM

Sound interesting, but there are several games that come to mind... none of them would directly fit the description.

Can you give some more info?

Aproximate time frame (when you saw/played it), info about graphics, OS needed (DOS/Windows game - or possible a non-PC game), input device (mouse, keyboard)...

Anyway, here are some games that I could think of that might be simular to what you said:

Zardula Incursion (can't find any refrences for the game, but do own the disc - just a lot of stats, but can't really see the minions you control)

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