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Neobros 26-06-2007 07:45 PM

The Windows version of UFO Enemy Unknown will randomly crash when starting a new tactical mission, about one in every 15-20 missions. Following the comments of users, I've used 95/256 colors/640x480 screen resolution compatibility, without effect on the crashing, running Windows XP SP2.
Also I can't get the DOS version running in DosBox 0.70, I'd be happy to settle for the Dos version, if somebody wouldn't mind explaining what DosBox version would support it. Attempted to run all COM's, BAT's, and EXE's in the file without success.

Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but my search didn't turn up anything, and I gave up on the Games Talk page after looking through 20 of the 187 pages ;)

The Fifth Horseman 27-06-2007 12:16 PM


The Windows version of UFO Enemy Unknown will randomly crash when starting a new tactical mission, about one in every 15-20 missions. Following the comments of users, I've used 95/256 colors/640x480 screen resolution compatibility, without effect on the crashing, running Windows XP SP2.[/b]
This happens.


Also I can't get the DOS version running in DosBox 0.70, I'd be happy to settle for the Dos version, if somebody wouldn't mind explaining what DosBox version would support it. Attempted to run all COM's, BAT's, and EXE's in the file without success.[/b]
Any specific error messages? If not, try reinstalling DOSBox. I've got v 0.70 and UFO is running in it perfectly

Neobros 27-06-2007 04:18 PM

Thanks for getting back to me.
No specific error message, and upon redownloading and reinstalling DosBox 0.70 no change., full.bat, small.bat all loop between several applications endlessly. And any install application requests I run cdsetup with the drive extension, when I do give it either the emulated or os drive extension it returns nothing.And ufocd returns nothing.

Could be I'm simply using the application incorrectly, although I can't find any text on how to set up the Dos version.

Dave 27-06-2007 05:07 PM

Unfortunatly UFO is not so stable, the only advise I can give you is to save every mission...sometimes bug disappears if you reload the game.

Neobros 27-06-2007 05:39 PM

Ah, just now it hit me, it could be a file corruption, and indeed redownloading the Dos version works fine.
Thanks you two :)

Jake Grey 13-06-2008 07:35 PM

X-Com: UFO Unkown Crashes: A Tentative Suggestion For A Partial Fix
I've been experiencing much the same problem. It seems to happen most frequently after something I'm running in the background throws up a pop-up window, leading me to suspect it might be an artefact of the game's DOS heritage, but it's also been known to occur without any obvious prompting. I've considered hitting Ctrl+Alt+Delete and killing every single process except Explorer and Systray before starting it, but Windows 2000 makes this rather difficult.
However, now that I've got my hands on a working 98SE machine, I'll test it out on that and see if I can replicate the problem with fewer background processes, and in pure DOS for good measure; if I'm on the right lines, it gives some of us a workaround and me a starting point for finding a more permanent solution, which I'll be taking to a friend of mine who's just landed a programming internship at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. (I will be asking for voluntary contributions towards the cost of all the beer I'll have to bribe him with. ;))
More on this as it happens.

Eagle of Fire 15-06-2008 09:31 PM

Congratulation on resurecting a year old thread... :noworry:

Jake Grey 15-06-2008 10:03 PM

*shrug* If I hadn't, someone only would have chimed in saying there was already a thread about it and scolded me for not looking first.

dosraider 15-06-2008 10:15 PM

Fact: Dosversion runs fine in dosbox 0.72.
The winversion adds nothing, but really nothing.
So: why try to run the winversion made for an old OS on a modern OS?
I wouldn't know.
Really not.

Jake Grey 15-06-2008 11:42 PM

In my case, it's because my machine has real trouble running DosBox, though it seems to take VDMSound in its stride. I'm also not terribly confident at tinkering with config files.

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