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TheChosen 09-12-2006 07:52 AM

Welcome to the Extreme Warfare Revenge. This is the Abandonia topic.

Abandonia Wrestling Stars:

Bruce Portnoy
Canadian wrestler and rockstar, who's got tattoos on his arms. He's both fast and strong.
Side: Reloaded Face
Finisher: The Dethfire
Billed from: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Entrance theme: Iron Maiden- 2 Minutes To Midnight

Clarissa Harlowe
Highly sophisticated bore, who likes to whack people with her bible and is very skilled at stabbing people with a quill pen.
Side: Reloaded Face
Finisher: Virtue Overlord (Or Overload)
Billed from: Great Britain
Entrance theme: All Things Bright & Beautiful

A mysterious luchadore wrestler, who wears robes instead of mask. Also called "protector of the nature"
Side: Reloaded Tweener
Finisher: Call of the Wild
Billed from: From parts unknown
Entrance theme: Eye of the Tiger

A jolly, big & fat wrestler, who brawls his opponents into canvas.
Side: Reloaded Face
Finisher: Belly to Beergut Slam
Billed from: Australia
Entrance theme: Weird Al Yankovic: Fat

Eamonn O'Irishman
Cares about music and kicking behind. Nothing else. Fighting style is simplistic (punch, kick, headbutt...etc.), and is reliant on strength
Side: Abandonia Heel
Finisher: Machine Headbutt
Billed from: Cork, Ireland
Entrance theme: Ave Santani

Farthing Ogre
Farthing guy, who doesnt like anyone, cause nobody doesnt like him.
Side: Abandonia Heel
Finisher: Lethal Fart
Billed from: Lusitânia
Entrance theme: Jingle Bell (in farts)

Fifth Power
A mysterious ninja, who's neither good or evil.
Side: Abandonia Tweener
Finisher: Chain Strangle
Billed from: Parts unknown
Entrance theme: Smoke Cloud

A hobbit who destroy her opponents with big, hairy feet. She also has the one ring...
Side: Reloaded Face
Finisher: The Hobbit Stomper
Billed from: Shireland
Entrance theme: Possession by Sisters Of Mercy

A suicidal, Death-defying communist.
Side: Abandonia Heel
Finisher: Sharp Scyte. Mega Hammer.
Billed from: Slovenia
Entrance theme: Katyusha

A martial-arts using loner and philosopher.
Side: Reloaded Face
Finisher: The Rail Kick
Billed from: The jungle's of Phillipines
Entrance theme: Vicarious by Tool

Jesse Jack
High-flying, limousine driving, kiss stealing, wheeling, deeling son-of-a-gun!
Side: He doesnt belong in any roster. He's the boss. Face
Finisher: Jesse Jack Stunner
Billed from: Finland
Entrance theme: The Final Countdown

The Undergrounds bodyguard.
Side: Abandonia Heel
Billed from: The parts unknown
Finisher: ChokeSlam
Entrance theme: Currently none

La Lulu
A total psycho. He loves to confuse and play mind games with his opponents. Very fast fighter.
Side: Abandonia Heel
Finisher: Vulvic Clamp
Billed from: Bangkok, Thailand
Entrance theme: Tom Waits: Hoist That Flag

Lobo Scat The Wild
A mysterious extremist from outer space. He love's cigars, motorcycles and good fights.
Side: Abandonia Heel
Finisher: Buzzsault
Billed from: Somewhere from space
Entrance theme: Currently none

Luscious Lance
A gay-boy with great hair. Slaps a lot and he also loves to use grappling moves
Side: Reloaded Face
Finisher: The Pink Pound
Billed from: USA
Entrance theme: Village People: YMCA

Mighty Boggit
A burly, savage and fierce caveman. He has a huge club.
Side: Abandonia Face
Finisher: The Lamb Chop Drop
Billed From: The Sty, Lower Middle Earth
Entrance theme: Search & Destroy by Iggy & the Stooges

High Flying technical wrestler, who's on a quest to claim the title and glory.
Side: Abandonia Heel
Finisher: Flying Clothesline
Billed from: The Island of Dissidents
Entrance theme: Motorhead- Ace of Spades

Highly Charismatic Technical wrestler, who's also fast. She's a student of world religion, but for some reason she wears military stuff.
Side: Reloaded Face
Finisher: White Wash
Billed from: USA
Entrance theme: Revelations 22:20

The Baron Formerly known as Joe Steel
A weak, but quick son-of-a-*****. He stands against everything, especially America.
Side: Reloaded Heel
Finisher: Abuse the Rights
Billed from: Oakland, California
Entrance theme: Beethoven's 5th Symphony

The Underground
A priest of darkness who's religion is violence. He loves to gather followers who will fight for him.
Side: Abandonia Heel
Finisher: 360 Moonsault, Going to Hell
Billed from: Hell
Entrance theme: Funeral March

White Dragon
Strong and Good natured guy, but when he becomes angry....
Side: Abandonia Face
Finisher: Claw Grip. Dragonfury
Billed from: Hungary
Entrance theme: Nightwish: End Of All Hope

Current champions:
Abandonia Heavyweight Champion: The Baron
Abandonia Tag Team Champions: Vacated
Abandonia Hardcore Champion: Bruce Portnoy

This topic on Reloaded

The Punisher 09-12-2006 08:12 AM

sorry, but what is this...?

A. J. Raffles 09-12-2006 08:39 AM

A forum game.

TheChosen 09-12-2006 09:20 AM

January 6. 2007.

Huge fireworks explode at the entrance. The crowd cheers. The show is about to start! The PWA announcers, Maikel (who's wearing a tuxedo and a cap) and Beef (who's wearing a small pink ballerina dress) welcome everyone to show. They both introduce the matche's that are in the program card: The opener match of Palkki vs Frodi, Tag Team Championship match, Clarissa Harlowe vs The Underground in a Hardcore match and the ultimate 20 person battle royal for the heavyweight title!

Asssistants carry two stools in the ring. Beef announce's that we will start the show with his interview segment, the Beef-show. Beef introduce's the first visitor, the General Manager of Pro Wrestling Abandonia, Jesse Jack.

Jesse Jack makes his entrance. He's a tall wrestler, wearing a long leather jacket, top hat and sunglasses, all of them are black.

Jesse Jack enters the ring, sit's on the stool and begins the interview:

Segment 1: Host Angle.

Beef: Okay Jesse. What do you think of tonight's show?
Jesse remove's his sunglasses.
Jesse: What do I think? I think its awesome; We will see amazing style, dangerous weapons, lots of blood and sexy women. My wrestlers will create the worlds best wrestling show's, starting today.
Beef: What do you think of the wrestler's you hired.
Jesse: I think theyre great. These guys can perform some of the most dangerous moves, they'l put their body on the line for fame and money.
Beef: Many have noticed that there are lots of finns in the roster. Why?
Jesse: I dont know. They just wanted to become wrestlers and I gave them a change and some training.
Beef: Youre a finn too. Does this mean that youre going to favor them.
Jesse: No, no! Of course not! I'l treat every wrestler equally. No matter if theyre from Finland, USA or Afganistan.
Beef: What about your little sister, Palkki?
She's a violent one. I had few fights against him and belive me: He always won me.
Beef: Does this mean that Frodi is going to lose her match tonight.
Jesse: I dont care who wins or who loses. I just want to create awesome wrestling show's.
Beef: Thanks for the interview, and good luck to the show.
Jesse: Thank you.

*cheers and Final Countdown is played. Jesse play's with the crowd for while until he leave's the ring.*

Results: Overall rating: 66%

Segment 2: Match: Palkki vs Frodi.

Before the match starts, referee takes Palkki's Kendo Stick. When he turns away, Palkki attack's Frodi, delivering him a spear. He pins, but Frodi kicks out.
At the end of the match, Palkki gets frustrated. He grab's her kendo Stick and strike's Frodi with it. Referee has no choice but to disqualify Palkki for the weapon use.
Winner: Frodi by Disqualification
Palkki goes temper tantrum. She attack's both Frodi and referee with the kendo stick and she leaves them both lying on the ring bleeding.

Results: Overall rating: 62%. Crowd reaction: 51%. Match quality: 71%.

Segment 3: Interview of the Two Guys From Finland.

Juni Ori and Potatoe-fiend are giving an interview on backstage.
Maikel: Ladie's and gentleman, the Two Guys from Finland has something to say.
Juni Ori: Tänä iltana me suomalaiset saamme vihdoin loistaa.
Potato-fiend: Tonight, we will win the Tag Team titles.
Juni Ori: Katsokaa nyt meidän vastustajiamme: Pari puun-halaaja, opettaja, ninja, hullu ja kommunisti? Onko näistä muka uhkaa meille suomalaisille??
Potato-fiend: Our opponents are no treat to us.
Juni Ori: Perkele! Saatanan kusipäät! Tänä iltana te kyllä saatte turpaanne!! Varsinkin sinä Lulu, koska olet nainen!!! Perkele!!
Potato-fiend: Were gonna crush you.
Juni Ori: (To Maikel) Painu sinä vittu jonnekkin muualle! Me mennään nyt kehään!! (slams Maikel into the wall).

Results: Overall rating: 72%.

Segment 4: 4 Tag Team elimination match: Juni Ori & Potato-fiend (Two Guys from Finland) vs DakaSha & Greywolf (Warriors of Nature) vs Fifth Power & Sebatianos vs La Lulu & Gregor.

This match goes in elimination rules. When one member of the team is pinned, disqualified or the member sumbits, the team is out. The remaining team will win the titles.
DakaSha pinned La Lulu after a Senton, eliminating Team La Lulu & Gregor.
Sebatianos pinned Potatoe-fiend after he threw chalk into his eyes. The referee didnt saw this.
Greywolf pinned Sebatianos with a Rail Kick, after Juni Ori threw Sebatianos with a beer bottle.
Winners and the new Abandonia Tag Team Champions: DakaSha & Greywolf, The Warriors of Nature

Result: Overall rating: 61%. Crowd reaction: 44%. Match quality: 78%.

Segment 5: Other angle.

The camera show's The Baron, who's in the backstage area. He's talking into a cellphone.
Baron: Yes, yes. If you help me to win the title, I will grand you a title match against me. How does that sound?
Baron: I promise you. If Jesse doesnt want the match, I'l bribe him. I have lots of money.
Baron: Great! Thank you and goodbye.
Baron puts the cellphone in pocket.
Baron: Hey! What are you doing!
Baron punche's the camera-man. Camera falls into the floor.

Result: Overall rating: 79%.

Segment: 6: Clarissa Harlowe vs The Underground: Hardcore Match.

This match is a hardcore match, where there are no rules. This means that weapons are allowed.
The match is bloody and violent. They both use various weapons, including chairs, baseball bats, thumbtacks, shopping carts and barbed wire.
At the end of the match, Underground slam's Clarissa into a barbed wire and pins her.
Winner: The Underground.

Result: Overall rating: 69%. Crowd reaction: 58%. Match Quality: 80%.

Segment 7: 20 wrestler Battle Royal.
After 19 wrestler's have entered the ring, Jesse Jack make's his entrance. He announce's that Frodi is too injured to participate tonight and he will replace her.

Battle Royal is an elimination match. When wrestler is throwed out from the ring, he is eliminated.

1. Juni Ori eliminated Eamonn O'Irishman
2. After Eamonn was eliminated, Clarissa left the ring while complaining about her back.
3. Bruce Portnoy eliminated Fifth Power
4. Baron & Gregor eliminated La Lulu
5. Palkki eliminated Sebatianos
6. Tai'kara eliminated Juni Ori
7. Juni Ori elminated Tai'kara. Juni pulled her with him.
8 & 9. Bruce Portnoy eliminated both The Underground and White Dragon with a double clothesline.
10. Potatoe-fiend eliminated Farthing Ogre with the help of Juni Ori.
11. Potato-fiend was elminated by Tai'kara. Tai returned to the ring with the chair and attacked Potatoe-fiend. Potatoe-fiend left the ring and escaped to the backstage. Tai tried to follow him but Juni attacked her.
12. Palkki was elminated by Baron
13. Jesse Jack eliminated Bruce Portnoy
14. Gregor and Baron elminated Greywolf
15. Gregor and Baron elminated DakaSha
Left in the ring: Baron, Gregor, Jesse Jack, Luscious Lance & Dims.
16. Dims was elminated by Jesse Jack.
17. Baron & Gregor eliminated Jesse Jack.
18. After the previos elimination, Gregor suddenly threw Baron out of the ring, eliminating him.
19. Luscious Lance eliminated Gregor.

Winner and the new Abandonia Heavyweight Champion: Luscious Lance

Result: Overall rating: 60% Crowd reaction: 48%. Match quality: 72%.

Overall rating of the whole show: 66%. (Not bad).
Our show was attented by 70 people! We made 240$ for the ticket sale's.

The Punisher 09-12-2006 09:33 AM

okay......? Woah! This is so fun, what a game!

TheChosen 09-12-2006 10:35 AM

" reports that the General Manager, Jesse Jack, has decided to give Gregor a title shot. On next week, Gregor will go one on one against Luscious Lance for the Abandonia Heavyweight Champion."

NOTE: Website doesnt exist.

The Punisher 09-12-2006 02:21 PM

Wooohoooo! I dont get a sh17 but... im watching.... btw the website doesnt exists :bleh: ;)

Frodo 09-12-2006 02:49 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TheChosen @ Dec 9 2006, 08:52 AM) [snapback]270994[/snapback]</div>

Welcome to the Extreme Warfare Revenge. This is the Abandonia topic.

A hobbit who destroy her opponents with big, hairy feed</span>. She also has the one ring...
Side: Reloaded <span style="color:#6633FF">Face

Finisher: The Hobbit Stomper
Billed from: Shireland
Entrance theme: Possession by Sisters Of Mercy
Latest news: Won a match against Palkki by disqualification. She was replaced by Jesse Jack at the Battle Royal because of Eye injury.
This topic on Reloaded
Can you fix this to say feet, not feed, please. :)

Lulu_Jane 09-12-2006 05:36 PM

Damn that slimy Gregor - La Lulu is not impressed :D

Quintopotere 10-12-2006 08:35 AM

It seems that Fifth Power was not at is best... but you will see him crashing his opponents in the next matches :sneaky:

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