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punch999 22-08-2006 08:29 PM

Well It will be run the same way as the other one all I need you to do is give me your
Wrestlers name:
Lightweight or Heavyweight
What kind of charachter do you want him to have.
And what style. Lucha/spot monkey , Brawler, Technician , Fast technician, daredevil hardcore wrestler:
Finishing move and what kind of move it is.

The name of the promotion is Extreme Championship wrestling abandonia. ECWA.

All I need is a few people to startout, I will also bring in some famous wrestlers to help bring in some fun in. Like SABU, AJ styles. Sick nick mondo. Mick foley. Lots of great stuff just fill it in and I will get started.

Paul heyman as authority
All american Alex
Sir Jesse Jack

_r.u.s.s. 22-08-2006 08:34 PM

i would like to participate, but does the chosen know about it?

punch999 22-08-2006 08:36 PM

It is dead and if he picks it up this will end. I also have a feelingI am a bigger wrestling buff then him and probobly may be able to run this a bit better with more creative control to the wrestlers

_r.u.s.s. 22-08-2006 08:42 PM

its 5 days, i dont know. dont count me in then=]

punch999 22-08-2006 08:42 PM

What does it matter in the end. And besides it isn't like what chosen is doing is original. A lot of people do the same thing he does with Extreme warfare revenge

_r.u.s.s. 22-08-2006 08:52 PM

oh, well in that case i can join and make my stats tomorrow. i thought he came up with the idea

punch999 22-08-2006 09:12 PM

Diarys aren't original but I do attribute him with making it into a thing where the forum participates and it not being a story.

a1s 22-08-2006 09:22 PM

I don't know abou wrestling (not a fan), but people did that with X-com, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter nights (probably, though I haven't seen actulay it), that super-hero themed game, even (!) Stracraft. I'm sure someone made a wrestler themed one too. he was the first on our board though, if that counts for anything in your list...

punch999 22-08-2006 11:55 PM

There are whole boards dedicated to them now please either do this or don't post. And besides I have done several at other places that are based off real wrestlers so that gives me a lot of experience with this stuff so again please. Either make a charachter or don't say anything

TheChosen 24-08-2006 06:19 AM

Okay, I think its time for Alex to show some great booking.

When I played EWR that time, I noticed that my booking skills succed. But now, after many weeks of playing, I have finally mastered the EWR!

Here's my character:

Sir Jesse Jack
European (Finland!)
Gimmick: Suave- A slick ladies man (WOOOO!)
Style: A fast fighting, brawling, ultra-charismatic finnish luchadore! Hakkaa päälle!
Finisher: 1.Jesse Jack Stunner- An impact attack- Modified version of the Stunner\Stone Cold Stunner
2. Elbow Drop - A top rope Standing attack

EDIT: If you need any plot's or ideas, just ask!

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