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mattywhisk 06-01-2005 10:42 PM

Hi there

Hoping you can help, I have been on hols for the last week or so and indulging in a nostalgic binge of old gaming. It's been fine up until now (which has been quite surprising)

All SQs, all KQs, Monkey Isl 1 + 2, Kyrandia series... all working , until now.. I have played through PQ 1 and 2 and am now on PQ3

For some reason, when I exit the police station and go into the first driving section, everything plays out too fast. I fly through a stop sign and hit the curb, dying instantly. I only have a split second before ths happens.

I have tried reducing the actual game speed while in game right down to slowest, this has no effect.

Is this a known error and/or is there a way I can fix this?

One other weird thing that happens (not sure if its related) is, when sonny is standing in a room, his head flicks left and right REALLY fast, it looks like he is out of the exorcist and his head is spinning around!!! as I said not sure if this is related... just wondering if maybe I have a bad copy (d/l from abandonia) and if so, where I can d/l another one.


BlackMageJawa 06-01-2005 11:05 PM

Hmmm... just a random, off-the-top-of-my-head idea, but try INcreasing the CPU cycles in DOSbox. Sometimes this has the effect of making it slow down, for reasons I can't be bothered to explain.

I assume you are using DOSbox? Because if not, then you should definitely try that first.

Flammo80 06-01-2005 11:20 PM

My memory must be dying, I was pretty sure driving was taken out in Pq3. But I had that exact problem in pq1 VGA version. I'll dl the version here and see if it works
I'm really tired! It seems I mixed Pq3 with Blue force

mattywhisk 07-01-2005 12:09 AM

thanks flam, can you let me know how it goes??

the actual driving module was pretty much removed but you still have to go between destinations..

Blackmage I would like to use dosbox, I just d/l it..but have no idea how to use it..

Eagle of Fire 07-01-2005 01:09 AM

Newbie Guide to DOSBox.

If you don't use DOSBox or a CPU killer, then it's no wonder why you have speed issues. I am pretty surprised you managed to get thru all the previous games you mentioned without those! :ok:

mattywhisk 07-01-2005 03:48 AM

ah.. too easy, thanks for the link

it's fixed the problem except that now im playing in a window. Im sure there is a way to ryun dos box progs in f/s,. just got to work this out now. thanks again

.. now wheres that old map of lytton for PQ3? :cheers:

Eagle of Fire 07-01-2005 06:24 AM

Simply hit ALT-Enter and you will be set in full screen.

Happy gaming. :)

mattywhisk 07-01-2005 10:14 AM

beauty - thanks all, you've been very helpful. Great forum.

BlackMageJawa 07-01-2005 10:16 AM

If you still have trouble with DOSbox then D-Fend will help a lot:

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