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Ohne Mitleid 08-12-2010 07:04 AM

Lost City of Atlantis
I translated the intro screens for The Lost City of Atlantis. I saw a little bit about on the Donations page about the need for an English version of the game (German version already available on your site). I could not find one, not even a reference.

I did the best I could to translate the intro and turned that into screen shots which match the game, both the original German text in full length and the English translation. File size zipped is about 250kb and I know I would have downloaded it to check it out if it were available, probably in part because it would be a >blip< for download time.

So basically, some screen shots translated for the intro story screens. I would like to do more but I don't really have the time to play the whole game right now. Let me know what you think.

Oh yeah...a couple of days ago I submitted my answer to the quiz as "The Lost City of Atlantis". It seems the correct answer was "Lost City of Atlantis, The". Silly rabbit! Syntax for kids!

marko river 08-12-2010 08:35 PM

Very interesting proposition. I like your idea, let's see what others have to say.

btw, about shot quiz, why don't you use auto search feature, then you can select the exact name :)

Ohne Mitleid 09-12-2010 11:52 AM

I have the graphics up if you want to take a look at what I am talking about.


TotalAnarchy 09-12-2010 12:20 PM

It would be nice to somehow modify the game files and make some sort of "fan" translation. :mhh:

Ohne Mitleid 10-12-2010 11:07 AM

Good luck with that. I tried looking at the files to see if it could be done but it is all hexadecimal gibberish to me. If it were a Win32 game I could probably use a resource hacking utility. But then again, if it were a Win32 game, odds are it probably wouldn't be here.

Dave 11-12-2010 02:56 PM

Usually it's possible with Hex Editors, but it's a hell of a job!

MrDeadly 12-12-2010 02:18 AM

The original English intro can be found on YouTube:

There's also some game-footage:

Ohne Mitleid 15-12-2010 11:26 AM

Mr Deadly, Thank you for that! At least I had the chance to practice my graphics abilities. Obviously, my ability to translate is somewhat lacking, although I could have tried to put the translation into rhyming poetic form. I wonder if the English shareware version would provide any better source for editing the full version into a translated English format...

I also wonder why my searches never revealed YouTube as a source...hmmm.

The Fifth Horseman 15-12-2010 12:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
It looks like the full version can take in data files from the demo. Executable too, but I'm not 100% sure the game will play normally.

Check the attachment - that's the game with the executable and intro swapped out for ones from the demo.

Ohne Mitleid 15-12-2010 11:01 PM

Thanks! I am a bit rusty (more like crusty) at DOS stuff, but I'll take a ...ugh... crack at it. No pun intended but it pinged my brain with a nice icy spike when I thought/typed it out.

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