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Sebatianos 06-11-2004 06:31 PM

OK, I just can't make heads or tales of these FTP programs. I tried 3 verions of CuteFTP and SmartFTP, but I just can't get the games to you!
I have a few reviewed games with added manuals ready, yet I can't upload.
I get messages like:
Socket error = # 10053 (my help section doesn't even have that number),
Failure to write on local file
Child transfere failed

What to do?!?!
Is there something wrong at my end?
'Cos I'm telling you, you're missing out on some great abandoned games!!!

FreeFreddy 06-11-2004 06:33 PM

Do you have an account on FTP at all already? If you have, you can upload games to it just via Internet Explorer... ;)

Sebatianos 06-11-2004 06:38 PM

Kosta gave me a username and a pass if that's what you mean. 3 games are waiting in my folder right now, but I have more to come.
How can I do that with the IE?

Stroggy 06-11-2004 06:53 PM

well, using internet explorer,
You can use ftp folders just like regular folders.
You just click and drag files into it.

Simple as that.
Maybe I'll write a tutorial with pictures on how to upload using CuteFTP.

IE is screwed up on my computer so I can't use it anymore

Sebatianos 06-11-2004 06:56 PM

I know how to use the clik and drag (duh), but the transfer won't complete! It runs up to anything between 17% to 89% and then... AN ERROR MESSAGE!!!

Had this problems with one of the games, that are up there (but latter on, It uploaded without problems - after three days of trying)!

Eagle of Fire 06-11-2004 06:57 PM

Are you on dial up?

Sebatianos 06-11-2004 06:58 PM


Tom Henrik 06-11-2004 07:23 PM

Maybe your wife runs up to the computer when you ain't looking and stopps the transmission? :whistle:

Sebatianos 06-11-2004 07:42 PM

Damn, I knew I had to buy a first class quality chain. She's loose again!
Nope, that's not it... Nice try though!

Now, I'll hide before she reads this :ph34r:

Tom Henrik 06-11-2004 08:00 PM

Consider yourself lucky. She's in Germany now.

Meaning you can upload all you want to, without worries :max:

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