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preDa 23-05-2004 02:11 PM

Police Quest - SWAT 2 [GoG]
hellow its me again aahuahau... :D

man is IMPOSSIBLE to found SWAT 2 REALY IS IMPOSSIBLE im not funny!

is serious man... swat 2 RULEZ
is from 1998 is a XCOM type

but... is most real, stile Counter-strike
but... turn modes is ROX alot you can play with terror or "ct" ( eheh )
equip your agents, have sniper/mp5 all weapons is very very cool

any1 can found that? i surrender i cant found him =/

thanx for the atention =D cya =D

FreeFreddy 23-05-2004 02:20 PM

I have Police Quest SWAT 2 as a part of Game Hits 2 compilation, but I don't know if it has been abandoned or not, probably not.

Tom Henrik 23-05-2004 03:14 PM

I also have that game on cd.

I have all police quest games, but I seriously doubt that any of them are abandonwares :(

preDa 24-05-2004 01:45 AM

hum... and any1 can gvme one link to down him?!

i never found swat2 to download is IMPOSSIBLE to found,
i try on shareaaza
i try on kazaa
i try on emule
i try in radix/google/yahoo... and all sites of search... and i no found :9
any1 can helpme ?

Tom Henrik 24-05-2004 04:38 AM

If you try to use eMule to get Swat 2 then you must search for archives.

I did so now, and I got many results. But the game is big, so it would take some time to download.

Remember that eMule is only effective if some of the others who are using it at the time have the file you want...

If you search one day and don't get any results, then you may still get hundreds of hits the next day. You just have to try and try. :)

Wika_woo 26-09-2005 07:45 PM

hey all.. Anyone know where to get S.W.A.T 2, tis game is tha classic tactical shootah!..

thanx !


Blood-Pigggy 26-09-2005 08:48 PM

It was published by Sierra On-Line, so I doubt it's abandonware.
Wow, just noticed now that it's part of the Police Quest series.

punch999 26-09-2005 10:32 PM

It was horrible buggy and I picked it up in a bargain bin with another game for 5 bucks 1 month ago

Blood-Pigggy 26-09-2005 10:32 PM

Still, it was a pretty good game.
I enjoyed it myself.

punch999 26-09-2005 10:43 PM

I couldnt play the game without having to avoid bugs

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