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raubritter84 08-07-2013 12:11 PM

[MrFlibble] Yendorian Tales Book I
Hi, long time lurker here.

I've got it into my head that I need to find the name of a game I played back in 2000. I got it free at some abandonia style site and ran it on an old pentium PC in dos mode.

It was an isometric/topdown turnbased fantasy RPG. You started out by customizing a party of humans (no orcs or elves ect.). I remember that the priests and mages had monk hairstyles and wore white. You started out in an inn and the game was free roaming. I do remember the early battles being fought in mines with a lot of minecarts on tracks around.

I believe the graphics were svga or similar. A bit better looking than Darklands for instance. The game world was quite plain looking and simple. A bit like this game

That's not much help is it? That describes basically every RPG ever. Well, I'll try and and think of something more.

EDIT: I did search for isometric games on this site and it is none of them. I think it was HOTU I got it from but I don't see it there.

Smiling Spectre 08-07-2013 03:03 PM

Did you tried more early games from the same Spiderweb software that you shown as example? Like Avernums? (there are more than one - about 5, I think :) (Exiles (that are 3) are too old, and it's not isometric).

Megaten 09-07-2013 02:11 AM

If it was truly in DOS mode, it couldn't be a Spiderweb Software game.

I'm tempted to say it was an Arkania game, but those definitely have elves, and also first-person sequences.

Speaking of which, do you recall if the game kept the same top-down/isometric perspective for all parts of the game? For example, even when entering a building in a town and moving around in it.

The Fifth Horseman 09-07-2013 05:15 AM

If it's Arkania then it's not Star Trail at the very least. The only mine location there is about halfway through the game IIRC.

Pex 09-07-2013 10:24 AM

I don't know if you looked at this site, but later games in Ultima series would fit your description. Check Ultima VII for example.

RRS 09-07-2013 11:55 AM

Yeah, not many isometric RPGs in SVGA running in DOS...

MrFlibble 09-07-2013 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by raubritter84 (Post 454399)
It was an isometric/topdown turnbased fantasy RPG. You started out by customizing a party of humans (no orcs or elves ect.). I remember that the priests and mages had monk hairstyles and wore white. You started out in an inn and the game was free roaming. I do remember the early battles being fought in mines with a lot of minecarts on tracks around.

You know what, this sounds quite a bit like Yendorian Tales Book I.

raubritter84 09-07-2013 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by MrFlibble (Post 454450)
You know what, this sounds quite a bit like Yendorian Tales Book I.

Nailed it! How did you manage to get that off my vague description? I had about given up. I looked at every single RPG in Mobygames without seeing it. For some reason it does not show in the list when filtering by RPG and Topdown.

Awful looking game tho, isn't? But thanks alot, great memories and this was killing me. Thanks all for the help. :)

MrFlibble 09-07-2013 06:51 PM

Glad you found it :) The keywords were "isometric" and "humans only" I guess. Most other fantasy games offer other races, but Yendorian Tales only have human characters in your party.

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