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eightba1 28-06-2010 02:04 AM

modern gaming is going downhill
the 7th gen of console games is the worst yet and there is no signs of it getting better; few reasons:

-the wii is a gimic and it and the ds are the spawn of a bunch of crap games about dancing and books and diarys and cooking and brainage that ARENT EVEN REAL GAMES THOSE ARE WHAT PPL HAVE KINDLES AND IPODS FOR

-dlc is the worst and is a total scam for companies to charge more and more for features and content that should already be in the game to begin with (e.g. map packs)

-motion control and 3d and is turning away the companies from what actually matters. THE GAMES.

-idc if my xbox has or facebook or netflix. im concerned more about the games then networking everything under the sun in one package

theres many reasosn that i can think of but i want to leave this open for people to express>>>

ianfreddie07 28-06-2010 02:18 AM

Modern gaming is going downhill. Why? Consoles. That's it.

eightba1 28-06-2010 03:39 AM

consoles/handhelds make up the majority of gaming today. and tht industry is causing problems

TotalAnarchy 28-06-2010 03:51 AM

Hmmm, I dunno. Isn't this about the hardcore/casual ratio? In the 90s most of the gamers were not people who you'd see working in the offices. They had a lot of time on their hands. With time, the number of casual gamers increased and we have today's situation.

As for the DLCs there are two primary causes: mods and the micro-acquisitions for MMOs. Gamers brought this on themselves. They'll also decide if this will be just a passing fad or not.

Consoles were always some kind of limited PCs. They noticed that people prefer to play the games now in short intervals (1-2 hours) and then go into the internet and check with their friends online (or online communities) or do other things internet-related. If they didn't add some sort of connection with the outside world, every console gamer would move back to PC. That's also the reason why they're making integrated browsers into the games (this is a PC initiative). NOW, gamers will play 5 minutes and then talk 5 minutes. Which is kind of funny. But if they integrate such a thing into single-player games, I think there wouldn't be enough reasons to make so many MMOs anymore.

eightba1 28-06-2010 04:44 AM

so everything stemmed from the pc i guess. i see what you mean. mmos paved the future for online gaming, and mods for pc games made developers think they could sell that too. the hardcore/casual is huge in my opinion. and i just dont like seeing games for systems like the ds that i enjoy based on barbies and dancing

arete 28-06-2010 07:46 AM

I guess they're trying to expand gaming into a previously limited market: young girls. Pink and shiny generally does that.

Of course, gaming predicates that you're going to spend about 40% of your life in a dark room exploring dungeons and or fantasy kingdoms, and kicking ass. I guess I don't really want to waste the time I have left on things that don't give me a concrete payoff? Although recreation is one thing, but studying towards a postgraduate qualification is more likely to raise my earning power and/or give me a sense of personal fulfilment, and personal fulfilment is something I'm really lacking in this job... Maybe I should just swallow my pride and do a teaching-english-in-a-foreign-language course :/

The Fifth Horseman 28-06-2010 11:27 AM

The DS actually has a bunch of pretty good titles. Strategy, platform, shooters, JRPG, adventure etc. All there if you know where to look. Heck, there are (unofficial) ports of Doom and even goddamn Quake for it.

Barring the touch screen, it's really the closest to the old DOS titles that we get on modern platforms.

But honestly...

So yeah.

Fubb 28-06-2010 01:54 PM

well fifth, I do :p cause if i didnt my friends would all have these fancy xbox's and i would still have my super nintendo!

Cause we game out on Modern Warfare 2 and stuff with each other...anyways, I don't think it's that the gaming industry is going downhill, rather its expanded way to fast

I mean games are being pumped out like nothing, thats why we're getting so many shitty titles; they can be made fast and sold fast. Remember, its not about whether gamers like it or not, its about the fat pigs making money!

Though if I was in game developement, I'd want my people to like my games :3:

Bejelith 03-07-2010 11:46 PM

Actually, the game industry's sole goal has always been that of making money. That, and staying up to date with new technologies (be it OS, game engines, hardware, etc), unless she's planning her bankruptcy. Evolve or die.

Gaming isn't dying or going downhill, it just changes depending on what most customers want. The game industry will invest on the vast majority that prefers 3D games, motion control, integrated browsers and in-game chat (MMOs) , and so forth.
So yes, there's a majority out there that likes games that some of us hate.:perv: But it's that majority that keeps the game industry running, and gets what it wants, product-wise.
Democracy in its true form.:)

Maxor127 04-07-2010 09:08 AM

I don't have a problem with today's games except for the lack of innovation. I actually like the Wii because it tries to do something different. Yeah, there's a lot of garbage, but there are a lot of good games too. There is something for everyone, and companies are tapping into ignored market segments.

My biggest complaints are that most PC is an afterthought, and PC games are crappy console ports. And a lot of companies churn out sequel after sequel every year until you just become sick of it.

One thing that drives me crazy is the console crowd is supporting a horrible trend of game companies ripping you off. Xbox Live is one of the biggest scams ever. It drives me crazy that people actually waste money on it and think it's a good deal. And all of this overpriced DLC is another ripoff. I refuse to be nickel-and-dimed for a few minuscule items or an extra hour of gameplay. And now we have these "map packs" which actually started back with Battlefield 2 from what I remember. Now they're popular and even more expensive. I refused to buy them back then and I refuse to now. POS Activision rolling out their Stimulus Package map packs. It used to be that companies supported the customer and not the other way around. Bad enough being unpaid beta testers.

But there are still lots of good games. I still enjoy the Civilization series. Bioware is always reliable for a good RPG game. I just need to stop wasting my time with online games and FPS since they're a waste of time.

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