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The Fifth Horseman 22-07-2008 11:32 AM

Abandonia Apocalypse: Strikes Back!
Some of you might remember the old Abandonia Apocalypse
If not, let me outline it:
1. I'm running a game of X-Com Apocalypse.
2. Every player who registers in this topic becomes a recruit in the X-Com squad.
3. I post detailed reports of what is going in the game and the achievements of your characters, while you are free to roleplay any events taking place in the base. You can walk around, talk with others, etc - also visit the armoury and do crazy stuff like food fights in the mess and playing pranks on other X-Com employees and each other.

Each registering player needs to enter the following information:
1. Preferred species. Human, Hybrid, Android?
Hybrids are physically weaker then humans, but better psionics. Androids are tougher, stronger, immune to psionics and start with higher stats but do not gain any stat increases.
2. Gender.
Not applicable to Androids
3. Stats specialization. (optional)
Which particular statistics (max two) you want your character to be particularly good at to begin with?
Check this pic for a list of stats in the game.
4. Role in the squad. (optional, but recommended)
Are you a close assault berserker? Demolitions expert? Sniper? Heavy Weapons specialist? Just a line trooper (who's role is no less important)? Or perhaps you've got another specialization in mind?
If you like, you can include a short bio on your character. Who are you? How did you join X-Com? What kind of person are you? This is of course optional, but hey... whatever suits your fancy! :amused:

The game will only start when there's enough recruits to fill the squad, but that doesn't mean you can't already start RPing. Feel free to explore the base, pick your bunk in the living quarters (etc). Major Damage is there to answer all questions you might (or might not) have.

Paco 22-07-2008 11:51 AM


kicks the Alien around. :nuts:

TheChosen 22-07-2008 01:02 PM



Stat specialization: Accuracy & Reaction

Info: A former mercenary. Used to travel around the world selling his loyalty and skills to the highest bidders. Forced to sign the X-Com project, evading a life sentence in prison. The fact that he never enters the frontline has kept him alive for all these years: He prefers to stay out of the sight and take the enemy out at distance with either rifles or heavy artillery.

Behavior: Calm and team-player. However, in extreme situations, he usually prefers to save his own skin.

Tervez 22-07-2008 01:26 PM

Yay, another topic like this!

Mindkiller (Lots of Psi-Attack and Psi-Energy)

GTX2GvO 22-07-2008 02:26 PM

Interesting... :)

Name: GTX2GvO
Gender: Male
Species: Human (if possible I would actually like Alien :) )
Role: Mercenary.. (applicable for ALL I'm paid for, as long as I'm PAID!)

Stats specialization: HEAVILY increased Health and accuracy.

The extra info: After traveling most of the known and unknown space, the decision was made to do something different for a while. Although still a mercenary he decided to "help out" at the X-Com project. Being a mercenary means continuous payment that is also twice the cost a normal unit would need. If lack of payment is noticed he will locate the first exit possible or "hang out" at the lunch room/cafeteria until payment is made in full.. This is also the starting location of this unit.. :) But when this unit IS payed he can be used in ANY squad role..

Eagle of Fire 22-07-2008 10:46 PM

Eagle of Fire
No Gender
High Strenght and Accuracy
Heavy weapon specialist and grenade thrower

Personnal guard of a head executive of Marsec Corps, he lost his job when the first Alien attack destroyed the hover car of his employer before he could do anything to save it. Blamed for the incident and given a very bad reputation by the other head figures of Marsec Corp, he knew that the only other respectable employer who would ever accept him back on active duty would be the newly reformed Xcom organization. Thus, he applied... And been accepted.

Having a knack for entering the frey and going in the middle of the battlefield blasting every ennemy in his path. His weapon of choice is the heavy gun.

The Fifth Horseman 24-07-2008 10:36 AM

GTX: Are you sure about your choice? Hybrids get a boost to their Psi abilities, but lower Health is one of the disadvantages.

Kugerfang 24-07-2008 10:51 AM

Male Human
UN Peacekeeper.
I'm a peacekeeper you can't shoot me!

The Fifth Horseman 24-07-2008 10:55 AM

Peacekeeper? Can arrange this, I believe. There is non-lethal weaponry in the game.

Capo 24-07-2008 04:27 PM

Male Human

The one that run aroud screaming with a medikit in the hands.

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