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Tom Henrik 30-04-2004 02:40 PM

Discworld Noir
I would like to see the Discworld series on Abandonia. I can't remember much from them, but I remember thinking they were fun to play, although they were extremely illogical. (Of course this is because the Discworld Series written by Terry Pratchett is the same). :D

I_Wanna_Be_A_Pirate 30-04-2004 02:47 PM

ive played the first one.. I dont like em , the solutions are stupid and sometimes impossible to get ( the only way i got through was with the help of my trusty walkthrough site) its just too much like some of the old text based sierra games TOO TRICKY... too tricky that its just not fun :evil:

Tom Henrik 30-04-2004 03:06 PM

You might be right. I seem to recall an incident where you need to get hold of a key that was on a table, but the man who owned it would not let you.

The answer to this was, of course, to get hold of a love potion. Then walk down to the beach, grab hold of an octupus. Give it the love potion. Put the love-sick creature in your inventory. After this you would have to find some way to get a laxative. When you have all this you head back to the man with the key, put the octopus in the poor fellow's toilet, then put the laxative in his drink. Wait for it to set in effect, then as the guy is occupied with the octopus in the restroom.... You nick the key.

Stroggy 30-04-2004 04:41 PM

I'd like to play the old discworld games just because I love the books so much :)

Tom Henrik 30-04-2004 06:35 PM

Me too! That is why I want to see them on this page!

(My icon is the picture of Cohen the Barbarian from the Discworld series, as some of you might have seen).

I_Wanna_Be_A_Pirate 01-05-2004 01:12 AM

Yeah i have the entire terry pratchet collection, discworld rules!

Stroggy 01-05-2004 09:38 AM

I have all of them (except for 1) and I've got the last 5 books in Hardback (oh and "the last hero" aswell... you know... the big book with pictures)
Too bad some idiot destroyed my cover of 'The Truth' :(

I do hope Terry pratchett's new books will centre around the original characters again (Vimes and the watch or Rincewind) because the latest two books ('Wee Free Men' and 'Monstrous Regiment') though they are great... the original characters only play a small role in these books.

I prefer Pratchett and his humour over any fantasy author any day.
I tried Tolkien but the characters there were just too... over the top.
The over-dramatical hobbits, the overly heroic Aragorn and sortlike.
Thats why i prefer Pratchett (and also Frank herbert): the characters are realistic and have real weaknesses. plus I love how Pratchett reflects modern-day affairs in his books like the liberal media that almost always takes the side of the underdog (right or wrong)

But I want to see some more Rincewind... thats why I'd love to play the original games

Tom Henrik 01-05-2004 01:04 PM

I don't know. Rincewind is, for me, a bit far out (even by Terry Pratchett standards)... My favourite characters are Cohen, Death & The Patrician, in that order.

I_Wanna_Be_A_Pirate 01-05-2004 01:32 PM

cohen the geratric barbarian is the coolest!

Titan 02-05-2004 02:16 AM

got two of the books as animated films... muhahaha....

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