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AFigureInBlack 05-02-2014 10:36 AM

AFigureInBlack's boxshots offer
I can provide boxshots for a few games already existing in Abandonia:
Prince Of Persia 1, Crystals Of Arborea Greek edition, Ishar 1, Delphine Software's Classic Collection Adventure Pack, Iron Lord Greek edition and the Kixx editions of Maniac Mansion, Zak McKracken, Monkey Island 1 & 2. All of those in floppy disks. Also, the game A.G.E. that I can't find in the database. Furthermore, the CD editions of Lands of Lore 2, Arena & Daggerfall in different boxshots than the ones already posted.

If you find everything interesting let me know.

marko river 05-02-2014 11:15 AM

WOW :drool:

Awesome list of extras. We accept all boxshots. Scanned floppies and CDs also count as boxshots :)

As for games on floppies, we would also accept floppy disk images (.ima files) if you are willing to offer those. Only in this case, it is necessary to state the language, in case someone wants to use those images to play the game and the game is only in Greek.

As for CD images, Lands of Lore 2 is sold on GOG, so it is not likely we will offer download, but scans are still welcome. CD images of Arena and Daggerfall would go to ISO Cellar, although there is no need since they are officially freeware now and can be downloaded from official site.

Welcome. Awesome offer.

PM sent.

AFigureInBlack 05-02-2014 11:36 AM

I don't have a floppy drive anymore so I can't create images, and my scanner is broken down but I can take some nice photos of the boxes and media. What is the accepted resolution of the pictures?

marko river 05-02-2014 12:05 PM

Uh, I don't know, we don't have anything specific about boxshots. Higher the quality the better, and using format JPG for some filesize reduction.

Too bad about the scanner. In my experience, photo is never as good as scan, but photo is much better than nothing :)

Please do keep your ears open in case you hear someone has floppy drive. Those images are VERY precious and hard to find.

Thx for contributions.

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