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Tom Henrik 29-02-2016 12:19 AM

Hi everyone
So... hello everyone.

Wow. A lot of things have happened here since the last time I came this way. For all of those who have no idea who I am (which is probably 90% of the forum members), my name is Tom Henrik, and I was one of the most active members of Abandonia back in its hayday. This is still evident by the fact that even after all these years of being absent, I still have one of the highest forum post counts. Heh.

Anyways, I decided to crawl back onto the scene and check things out. I intend to stick around for a while, so I look forward to getting to know a lot of you, and hopefully run into some other old relic from Abandonia's past. :OK:

Wow. Still have my Staff access.

Smiling Spectre 29-02-2016 04:16 AM

Hi, Tom. It seems, your posts was so numerous that I didn't notice that you are not around. %)

Tom Henrik 29-02-2016 04:27 AM

Yeah. According to my stats, I still have 1.01 post per day I have been "active". :p

marko river 29-02-2016 10:59 AM

What? Tom? You came back? Tom is back? I see it but I don't believe it :) You've been away like what... 8, 9 years? or is it whole 10 years?

How are you? And what have you been doing? And what happened so you decided to drop by?

Yeah, things have change all right, several times :) Place is owned by Sweddish company and is barely alive. You can check the chatbox to get the picture of active memebers. Most of people you might remember are long gone, the ones you disliked included :) To be fair, it is still visited a lot, but forum part not so much.

Dave used to be in charge, backed up by 5th Horseman... if you remember those two that is. I think Dave is still in charge actually although he's not around. Who else is around that you might remember...? Japo, Frodo, Mighty Midget... Eagle of Fire is in charge of Troubleshooting, still active.

lulu and russ might drop by from time to time... and I think that's about it. Not sure even if you remember all of these names :)

You were gone for so long that we had few generations coming and going :) Hard to tell everything in one post, hopefully I didn't left out anyone still active from those days :)

You were still here when Reloaded was launched but I'm not sure who's active over there.

Anyway, you just met Spectre, he's huge oldies collector. You'll surely meet arete, she always around, Clusek, zirkoni, Geezer, TotalAnarchy... not many of staff are regular nowadays.

Interesting bump you just made, well, interesting for me at least :)

Tom Henrik 29-02-2016 12:37 PM

Yeah, I remember all those changes, and when Kosta sold the rights to the Studentis group. It's interesting to see how much things have changed.

I did check out the Reloaded forum, but that forum seems to be almost broken. The chatbox won't show up properly for me, and the whole forum itself seems to have lost all of its CSS.

That being said, I also notice that not all forum avatars are visible on this forum, either (like yours and mine). There seems to be little things that have gone missing, due to lack of active staffers.

I also note that the updates have slowed down.

Anyways, it's easy to focus on the negatives. I am just really happy to see that the forum is still active, and that there are still members around from the days of yore. I'll stay active on the forum, but I don't think that I will be able to do much on the main site, due to my own projects taking up most of my time.

In any case, it's nice seeing you again Marko. What have you been up to these last 9 years? :)

marko river 29-02-2016 01:16 PM

Last 9 years? Let me see... growing up mostly :D Now I'm an old bitter man XD

Long story short, finished university and started working, .NET developing mostly. Moved to Austria, got married and waiting for my first child in mid-summer. Not so bitter it would seem :)

What about you? I see that you are in USA now and I "think" I remember Kosta mentioning that to me back then. That was also loooong time ago while Kosta was still around.

As for avatars, well I never uploaded any :smile2: So it works fine in my case :) Could be you need to set it again, since we had some movement of database/domain/engine/whatever so all old transfered accounts might needed some tighting up.

Yeah, updates are slow, which is mainly my fault :) Keep saying to myself that I will manage my time better.

Nice seeing you again. I'm glad if you stay active for a while. This is a bigger schock than when your laptop got stolen back in the days :)

Tom Henrik 29-02-2016 01:25 PM

Blimey. I can't believe you remember that! Yeah, that was stolen from me when I lived in Spain... what? Back in 2004 or 5, or so?

And you shouldn't beat yourself up over the updates. The success of this site does not rest on the shoulders of a single person.

But enough about that. Congratulations, man! That is awesome news! I wish your little family all the best! :D

Capo 29-02-2016 04:07 PM


Tom Henrik 29-02-2016 04:56 PM

Nice meeting you Capo. Looks like you are one of the most active users over here now. :)

marko river 29-02-2016 11:16 PM

Yup, Capo is in charge of social networks and YT channel and stuff. And he does that more than good, but once again, we are not providing him with enough content :(

As for your laptop, IIRC that was a big deal back then. You had bunch of unpublished reviews... and abanodnia was getting closer to review per day. Someone wrote a short history of abandonia some time later and this event was mentioned in the list :) I also remember that shortly after it was stolen (like some weeks later) you published tons of reviews in a few days. But I never knew did you found your laptop or you just sat down and typed them agian...

Also, I was one of those who thought that "Tom" was the user with name "aalberg" or "aaberg" or something similar. You might remember that confusion also :)

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