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PrejudiceSucks 08-06-2005 02:49 PM

OK, I know that I haven't included them all, that's because I'm not a particuarly religious person.

No flaming please, no spamming either.

The 'other' is deliberately there, I know that some people will want to pick that.

Sebatianos 08-06-2005 02:51 PM

Dangerous topic. We had a few already.

*holding back not to start giving my opinions yet*

EDIT: The no spam/no flame policy should really be strict in this one!

PrejudiceSucks 08-06-2005 02:51 PM

I don't really see a problem with it, it's not dangerous unless people make it that way.

ReamusLQ 08-06-2005 02:53 PM

The reason Data closed the last one was NOT because of spam, it's because this was already a hot topic. Search for it, and look had over 300 posts, and got very interesting. Go there if you really want to know

Sebatianos 08-06-2005 02:57 PM

Well I voted Atheist (some would know that anyway).

Here are some of the previous religion connected topics (so we needen't open everything up again):
The Great Flood
The Last Hours of Pope John Paul the II
A thread very similar to this:
There were probably more.

And I do suggest people read THIS carefully before making any statements.

PrejudiceSucks 08-06-2005 02:58 PM

It's locked. That's why I started this one.

ReamusLQ 08-06-2005 02:59 PM

you have to search under the 30 days or OLDER or past 365 days or something like that

Edit: It was locked because the topic was discussed to death, and just ended up going in circles. Data will most likely close this one as well. As said by Administrators before, if a topic is closed, it's for good reason, and a new one should not be created simply because the old one was closed.

BeefontheBone 08-06-2005 03:03 PM

Atheism for me (although I am quite interested in Buddhism from an intellectual perspective rather than as a lifestyle choice) - I can't reconcile any kind of deity or benign creator with my scientific background, and I'm very much in favour of the separation of church and state, although the recent French decision to ban items of religious clothing from schools seemed like an incredibly stupid idea to me - what happened to freedom of expression? Religious and ethnic diversity in school is incredibly good for children - it allows them to educate one another and (I think) helps to buffer them against developing prejudices later in life.

Your spelling seems fine to me by the way.

Doubler 08-06-2005 03:05 PM

Well, anyway, I never voted in one before, so I don't mind this topic.

I'm agnostic myself. I think it to be very unlikely that there is a sentient higher being, and believe that if there is one, it's not very likely for him to require our worship in any way.
However, I will never dismiss the possibility.

Personaly, I feel something for the theorum about an idea, a common direction, an inherent property within the different energy flows in the universe not related to any higher being. Still not a believer, though. Just charmed.

I do use this site for worship, though :kosta:

PrejudiceSucks 08-06-2005 03:06 PM

@ Beef = Oh good... I feel the same way about that too, although in my school, replace GCSE R.E. with GCSE Christianity and a little bit of Islam.

There are some moral issues too, but everyone disagrees with me on those. For example - is it worse to kill one person in cold bloods or ten?

For me, it's just as bad for both of those. Taking the Ten Commandments, it states that 'Thou Shalt Not Kill', the morality is absolute, not relative.

Oh well... I know that many will disagree with me.

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