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Oldie Goldie 14-05-2005 03:33 PM

Twilight - 2000
Hello i'm from austria so i cant speak english well. I miss the incredibble genius game Twilight 2000. Before this game there was Wastelands, but before Jagged Alliance there was Twilight 2000. This Game had unbelievable much unique skills like driving, fisching and parachuting.

Here is da german game review of the game. Sadly it became not good notes:

a1s 14-05-2005 03:51 PM

you won't believe it, but I'm allready on the job! ... since yesterday, wierd huh?

Oldie Goldie 14-05-2005 04:00 PM

Wow great.
I have here 2 new pics from "The Legacy" (Computer Game Museum):

Virgil 14-05-2005 04:26 PM

You could download game here .

Oldie Goldie 14-05-2005 04:51 PM

The Problem is that i can't download anything from Home of the Underdogs. :cry:
There is always an error also when i took off my Firewall.

a1s 14-05-2005 04:56 PM

what kind of error?

samtam90 14-05-2005 05:00 PM


Originally posted by Oldie Goldie@May 14 2005, 04:51 PM
The Problem is that i can't download anything from Home of the Underdogs. :cry:
There is always an error also when i took off my Firewall.

Try to look in their FAQ. There are many answers to many problems.

Oldie Goldie 14-05-2005 05:02 PM


Oops, there has been an error!

If you're reading this page, that means you are trying to get the game that IS up on this site, but somehow an error occurs.

You did not seem to come from the right URL. This means the referrer has not been set properly, or you didn't come from the Home of the Underdogs at all. Please see the FAQ for details on this.

This could be caused by one or more of the following:

1. You came here via a 'stolen link' -- i.e. sites that linked directly to our files without our permission. Link-stealing is one of the worst kinds of plagiarism in cyberspace. Please go to the proper Homepage to get these games where they belong. If you are so inclined, please also let us know the address of that link-stealing site, and inform its webmaster of this repulsive behavior. Thanks in advance.

If you have come here via or, those are very out-of-date addresses that you shouldn't be using. Please bookmark (note the dash) instead and come back from that URL, otherwise you will not be able to download anything here.

2. The server's too busy right now. The traffic level is quite heavy because, as you can imagine, the bandwidth is occupied by a lot of download requests and little else. Please try to download at least *several* times at different times of day BEFORE you conclude that the link is broken. Also, make sure you are downloading only one file at a time (not doing so will get you banned for a day).

3. You are using a proxy server that doesn't process our anti link-stealing script properly, OR a program like WebWasher that hides or changes "referrer" tag --please disable any proxies you are using, or turn the "remove referrer" setting OFF in your program. If you're not sure how to disable proxies, please contact your ISP. America Online in particular doesn't seem to handle the script properly (not surprisingly...)

4. You may also be trying to resume downloads with Getright or Go!Zilla improperly. Please read the FAQ to learn how resume with these programs. Thanks.

a1s 14-05-2005 05:08 PM

just go here instead, and download it.

Oldie Goldie 14-05-2005 05:13 PM

Thank you very much, now i can play the game again. :w00t:

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