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Simoneer 13-03-2009 02:18 AM

Any Strategy and/or RPG with 3D space travel/combat?
So, in other words, kind of like Starflight, but with 3D space travel/combat.

It would be rather ultimate, IMO.

Lathi 13-03-2009 03:15 AM

Ironseed is alot like this. Combat and travel do take place in 3 dimensions, though perhaps not like you're looking for. The combat sequences are carried out from the ship's combat station (with systems, battlefield view, and navigation controls) rather than a more flight-sim type first-person perspective. And while the star systems are plotted on 3 axes, travel is accomplished through menu selections. Unfortunately, the game as released was very buggy - though it was later picked up by a fan group and a good deal of the original problems have been patched (available on the linked site) so the game is at least completable.

Luchsen 13-03-2009 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 259436)
This forum is not to be used for asking people to recommend games to you. Use Favorite Oldies and Newbies for that purpose.


RRS 13-03-2009 05:43 PM

I'm not sure if I got what you have on your mind, but you mean stuff like Starlord or Battlecruiser 3000AD ?

Mighty Midget 13-03-2009 08:15 PM

Battlecruiser 3000 AD is well, bug ridden to the point where it only becomes extremly annoying and frustrating. Add a hideous user interface and a monster manual with the world record in appendixes to that, and BC3kAD was one title I deleted and swore never to play again.

Wicky 14-03-2009 05:58 AM

Maybe Imperium Galactica. It's the spiritual successor to Reunion and features a storyline where you become captain of a small fleet with a few planets under your control. You have to construct buildings, research techs, move your spaceships around to discover new planets (and aliens) and of course, every spaceship can be individually refitted with scientific inventions. On top of that you must manually fight battles on the planet surface when you conquer an alien planet.

Simoneer 14-03-2009 12:15 PM

I want the traveling/combat to be of the Elite-kind. Hence, none of these games fits the criteria much.

Thanks anyway.


Originally Posted by Luchsen (Post 356082)

Oh, sorry.

Seriously though, I was thinking ''The requests section isn't for this sort of thing,'' but I could swear I read that it is somewhere! I remember going something like ''Oh, so I was wrong?''

Mighty Midget 14-03-2009 12:39 PM

Elite-ish? Try X:Beyond The Frontier, X:Tension, X2, X3 and so on. They are pretty much like Elite, trading, piracy, ect ect.

Simoneer 14-03-2009 12:47 PM

Elite-ish, but with elements of RPG or strategy in here. But thanks, anyway; I will check them out.

Vanshilar 15-03-2009 03:21 AM

A game I used to play way back was "Space Rogue" by Origin (Paul Neurath). The travel and combat was space/flight sim, while the plot aspect was advanced via overhead scrolling (so two separate "modes" of the game). I haven't played Elite, but in Space Rogue, you also do trading to get money for upgrades, but the plot will gradually advance as you understand more of the game. It's also fairly open-ended in that it doesn't force you to advance at a particular pace, although eventually the plot will be somewhat linear. There's not a lot of worlds to explore though if you're into that sort of thing.

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