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Romano 11-12-2008 06:21 PM

My dear friends!

Scatty 11-12-2008 07:18 PM

Uhh, I'm not sure what exactly happened there, but I don't think it's really very correct to ban such a long-time and dedicated member as Romano only for helping out. Of course I have no knowledge of what really happened there, so it's only my opinion as a stranger from the side and it probably doesn't weigh much but a simple warning or something like that would probably be more appropriate for a first-time occurence.

TheChosen 11-12-2008 07:36 PM

If this thread spawns another argument, I'l.....well. I'l just get more sadder.

Horseman, Romano....stop it.


All of as are dedicated to only one goal, that is to make Abandonia a place where somebody who come, would be attracted to come again!
For the last few days, clearly, you haven't gone for this direction. Your threads, the Seb's and Horseman's arguing, your fight for the "good"..etc. makes me want to leave this place. I could, actually. The HG101 forum has been drama-free for as long as I can remember, and there's some very smart people in there too.

Whats with you?! I know you're not hostile, nor you're acting like a hostile person, but now you're just plain annoying! Whats your goal with this? You want Horseman to leave? You want him to stop admin-stuff? Be straight. Enough of this freedom of speech shit (Im using swear words now, which indicate that Im angry).

Now that I got that out of my system, and while Im at it, I'l rant up at Horseman too.

You know, your idea of moderating the forums, removing the inappropriate threads, is crap. You want to show that Abandonia is nice, clean place, where we dont tolerate assholes. That fine with me, but why remove threads/posts? That doesnt mean we dont tolerate shit, that just means we sweep bad things under the rug. If someone crosses the line, the best choice is to publicly address to the thread/post, warn/punish the perpetrators and lock threads, if necessary. If you remove something, it only causes further questioning, argumenting and confusion.

If you intent to remove this thread for any purpose, youre making a wrong move. This thread hasnt violated anything, its not an (direct) attack against anyone nor its something that should be discussed "in secrecy". This is something that should be addressed in public, that both of you are acting childish/wrong. You two have caused nothing but two days of stupidity. Instead of arguing, you could have helped me with the Ghostbuster game, getting it to work or maybe something else constructive. Youre making this forum a bad place. Youre making me and some of us want to leave.

In fact, If both of you, or Seb or Arete (shame on you two for taking sides and shame on you Seb for taking this thing forward) or anyone else, continues this argumenting, I will leave. Call it childish, but I call it Ultimatum. Then you'l have another moderator, friend, gamer and game-updater gone.

The whole thing appearantly started when Pigggy crossed the line and caused argument. Now, Pigggy was banned briefly, he had his punishment and is now back. Done! Kaput! Now, shut the fuck up.

I have spoken, and to prevent anything, I lock this thread. Please Romano, dont start anything new threads and please Horseman, just stay quiet.

The Fifth Horseman 11-12-2008 08:29 PM

Let's keep this topic open and see how it goes.

Romano 11-12-2008 08:36 PM


Freyja 11-12-2008 11:44 PM

I almost agree with TheChosen.... except that I don't think this should be dealt with publicly. Some members here are acting very childishly...
I don't believe anybody's trying to harm the site on purpose. I just think people should handle stuff differently. This is a real turnoff... If I were a new member but not a returning old member here now, I'd have logged off and cleared the site from my history. But I know there are some great people here and that's why I'm hesitating... but I'll leave again if it continues like this.

AlumiuN 11-12-2008 11:44 PM

*whistles* I don't think I've seen Chosen that angry before...

Well, obviously, some heavy crap went down here that, as usual, I am oblivious to. Because I'm not sure what happened, I mean no offense in this, but, in all seriousness, I think maybe you were being a little over-the-top, Chosen, but I do have to agree with you. In all honesty, I think that now that Blood_Pigggy has 'served his sentence', seeing as that is what has apparently caused the problems here, that we should stop this puerile infighting and forget about it. Move forward. I can see that there is more to this than I know or understand, but from a neutral and mostly uniformed position, it simply seems like this was created over a user who has commonly overstepped the line, and commonly been punished for this - and therefore should be as swiftly forgotten about as with before and we should move forward as a community. No-one gains anything out of this, and, as you can see, it simply annoys those who have to put up with it, in this case TC. We are all valued members of this forum, and to even have the possibility of losing one or more is simply not worth the arguments.

And, unlike any other posts I've made of this nature, where I would make a cynical, self-referential comment here, I'm not going to. I'm serious, and whatever is going on, with all due respect, I suggest that for the future of this community, it ends.

Eagle of Fire 11-12-2008 11:47 PM

I always been against the dissidents forum. Is it that hard to understand how come our way of thinking clash when you also happen to be the closest we can have to the dissidents spokeman on this forum?

'nuff said. I don't have time for pointless debates right now.

Dino 12-12-2008 12:07 AM

There is no more dissident forum, EoF. Thus, nobody can be dissidents' spokesman.

Everyone needs to chill out, settle your differences privately and let the site prosper. After all, isn't that what we are all here for. To make Abandonia place where one can relax, enjoy and chat peacefully.

Titan 12-12-2008 12:12 AM

omg... not again...

Start to remond me of teen girls talking trash in 8:th grade behind eachothers back, and thinking it's all life and death.

It's an internetforum!

I'm staying the heck out of thisone, as usual.

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