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Kosta 07-06-2004 12:00 AM

Police Quest 3 - The Kindred
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

Anonymous 28-06-2004 02:59 AM

How do you get back into the police station after arresting the nutter at the river? I'm using mo-slo but the driving is still tricky, but playable. When I get close to the station it tells me its on the left but when I stop there it doesnt let me get out. What do I have to do?

Red Diablo 28-06-2004 07:35 AM

Phun stuff with drunken streaker
Just rembered the first time I played this part, how many times I messed up when arresting him.

1. When the guy's in the water - Tried to fire warning shot, shot him dead = Game over
2. When he ran at me - Shot him dead = Game over...
3. When I'd nightsticked him - Forgot to search & cuff him, concealed knife, got killed = Game over

Maybe I shouldn't apply to the police academy...

Did finish the game though, after at last getting a search warrant when I saw the adress in the background of the picture of the perps.

Anonymous 29-06-2004 03:03 AM

Thanks for the reply, but thats not what I was asking. I arrested the nutter guy fine and have him in the car and im driving back to the station, but how do you get out of the car? It tells me the police station is on the left but when you stop it doesnt let you get out of the car so where are you supposed to go? I know the station is on 6th between rose and peach, but I dont see any station there and it wont let me get out of the car. This is very frustrating!!!

Bort 01-10-2004 08:54 AM

Cool game! I'm having trouble figuring out how to drive but I'll refrain from asking dumb questions most likely answered in the manual I'm now downloading and keep running stop signs until I figure it out.

Bort 01-10-2004 09:03 AM

umm..the is apparently messed up. When I try to open it winzip tells me it's not valid. It won't open. Can I get it somewhere else? I'll look and hope I'm answered if I don't find one. Thanks.

Tom Henrik 01-10-2004 11:29 AM

I'll look into it.

Bort 04-10-2004 09:54 AM

Thankyou! Got it and I'm able to read it. However, the reason I wanted the manual is because I thought it would give me tips on how to control the car while driving. I'm having a hard time after dropping Carol Reed off. After I drop her off and retrieve my cuffs I get into the car and the game loads right into the cartoon where the car is already travelling at 25mph and officer Morales asks that you stop at the mall so she can use the phone. I can't control the car! It keeps driving, flying by the streets and through stop signs etc. while the "movie" of Morales talking is going on. I run a stop sign and go off the road, crash, and have to restore the game to that point for it to happen all over again.

Is there another way to control the car with keys other then with the mouse, especially durring a time like this (while the watch/loading icon is present)? I know about the enter key working the same as left click. As far as I've found out you still have to move the cursor behind the car to brake and ahead of the car to accelerate if you choose to use the enter key instead of left click. Because Morales is talking to Sonny the watch is there and...I'm screwed. The car flies through the stop sign at the end of the street and goes off the road.

The manual claims "Operating Departmental Vehicle" is on page 18 but page 18 and 19 seem to be missing. What fallows page 17 is actually (I guess) page 20 and 21 which is Sonny's notes, drawings, and performance evaluation.

Where's the key map?

Brian Blake 21-10-2004 11:03 PM

I had this same problem. I downloaded a program called Moslo, and set the computer speed to 20%. This is completely safe, and as far as I know is the only way to progress in this game.

Phoenix 22-10-2004 06:55 AM

Hello Guys

I discovered that if you are going under 15mp in the car it will not let you turn into the places eg the cop shop. So save just before you say turn into the street, put the speed on the motor vehicle say about 15mp and give it a shot. That is the only difference I did between goes.

I used Turbo. I changed while I was driving and then changed the Turbo to 100% while walking and talking.

I will say this, save often because when you miss evidence or say miss seraching for a knife it is a pain to go alllllll the way back to the beginning.

Good Luck

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