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gamemaker 10-09-2012 08:44 AM

game project up coming (black-white)
hello folks.

had a crazy idea a few days ago.
some people would say it is impossible to give a game a good look with only two colors.

i will take the challange to create something gorgeous.

-animated effects
-3d effects
-of course some audio, good story etc.

will be a gift for abandonia.

1. step
creating my palette :D

Smiling Spectre 10-09-2012 05:53 PM

Actually, Limbo already proved that 2 colours are enough. :)

Japo 10-09-2012 06:58 PM

Actually there were a lot of games for those monocrome MacIntosh computers:,492551/

I first saw Civilization on a friend's monocrome Mac :)

RRS 11-09-2012 02:20 AM

Recently I also had an idea for a monochrome platformer, but I'm no programmer (despite learning some basics) and neither I know fellow developers, so this will remain filed under "unrealized projects".

gamemaker 11-09-2012 07:39 AM

:smile2: Sounds like two of you don't wanna have a new game in abandonia. if my little tool keeps it's promise, it would run under older and newer windows versions.

the chess is looking quite nice, i must say. but i did my homework and ended up, not finding what i keeping into my head. All i will use is a black and a withe pixel and that's it.

an adventure should it be....
if i remember right, i saw the black and white version of monkey island 1 (once)... can't say it was this or another, but i remeber clear that overlapping pixel of the same color made it harder to see clear.

nothing against limbo, but that is far away from what i want to try / do.
i will see if i can create an adventure in a new way and end up with a piece of cream.

there are so nice options and so many of them.

Japo 11-09-2012 10:30 PM

Nobody says we didn't like the idea, we were just commenting on similar graphics, that's no reason not to make yours. But your game couldn't go on Abandonia; it could go on Reloaded, though.

gamemaker 12-09-2012 09:59 AM

are you not a little bit fast?
it isn't even written yet. i could have gone to any other community right from the start, but i didn't. you don't know me, you don't know really details and you don't know the background.

normally would be the first step to asked, hm. :max: :lol:
i wanna share the experience by making it, that's why i'm here. i am a big girl and able to take every step on my own, thanks.

So sit back and enjoy it.
by the way i going to work under severe conditions to make it more interesting.

.... at least for me... :shifty: :p

gamemaker 12-09-2012 10:12 AM

oh boy where are my manners....
i would love to hear your idea, maybe it is coming easier to reality than you thought.

never know ;)

thatmexicanguy 12-09-2012 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by gamemaker (Post 445938)
are you not a little bit fast?
it isn't even written yet. i could have gone to any other community right from the start, but i didn't. you don't know me, you don't know really details and you don't know the background.

Erm... that seems somewhat irrelevant. No one made any sort of illusions as to what you were programming or *if* they even knew you. They were trying to be helpful.

And yes, you COULD have gone to any other community. How does mentioning that help anything?

gamemaker 12-09-2012 11:20 AM

beeing a happy person
i guess you are thinking, maybe in some way, i am angry with anyone???
no, not a tiny itsy bitsy....

it felt necessary to point out some facts and to change the direction of the discussion. besides to rip words / sentences out of whole context will do nothing either.

yes, i was placing a thread with some words for the start and nothing concret in whole. My intentions are more than obvious, even more by now. and i am using smilies not for good.

just trying to make a good conversation and share the moment.
hoping you do the same.... i am a optimistic person.

i am still very surpised that nobody was doing the first step by asking: oh realy, what exactly are you plannig? Seems logic. told the admis a little bit more as here in thread and was welcome. :):):) ^^

i know there are stuff it is looking very good in two colors and beeing happy to be with 'retro lovers'. it is normal that not ever the ball will be picked up one throws.

I pick up every word with checking which impression and expression it could have..... every sign and every brake is calculated. That's me.

hope we can get a good realtionship
so greetings to everyone who is interested into the subject.

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