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Kosta 11-03-2004 10:41 AM

Battletech - the Crescent Hawks Inception
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!


Anonymous 25-05-2004 08:53 PM

Battletech TCHI
a fun game with strategy and roleplaying aspects... kept me entertained for a few minutes when i found an old copy in my grandpa's house. the graphics are crap, but the real-time interface keeps it bearable. gets a little repetitive after you see the same outtake five hundred times and go in different buildings that are actually the same, but anybody that likes mechwarrior or roleplaying games is sure to have some fun with this game.

J 04-07-2004 12:28 PM

Battletech is one of the pioneer for rpg/strategy in the old days....yes graphic does sucks....gameplay is pretty good where u r playing in a role of an mercenary going around exploring n finding the truth, is also where its leads to the birth of Mechwarrior nowdays known as.
Nice game though.


Seraphim13 04-07-2004 02:48 PM

Hi J, another singaporean :D
Actually quite an entertaining game....a worthy predecessor to the Mechwarrior series....

The Niles 04-07-2004 07:33 PM

Re: agreed

Battletech is one of the pioneer for rpg/strategy in the old days....yes graphic does sucks....gameplay is pretty good where u r playing in a role of an mercenary going around exploring n finding the truth, is also where its leads to the birth of Mechwarrior nowdays known as.
Nice game though.

8) *

You are thinking of Mechwarrior not Battletech. They are different games and quite dissimilar.

J 05-07-2004 06:05 AM

Hi Picard,

U taking a holiday on earth? No need to explore in space? :P just joking....., Yah i know mechwarrior n battletech are different, but battletech really leads to the birth of battletech2, then to mech commander then to mechwarrior...nowadays...but I dun like mechwarriors...damn, Is there any rpg game that deals in mechs? They should make these, If i'm a programmer i will make it.......blah......


The Niles 05-07-2004 06:19 AM

I am in space. That's the nice thing about the internet. It doesn't matter where you are as long as you have a (subspace bassed) internet connection you can be online anywhere. :wink:

Seraphim13 05-07-2004 03:10 PM


Hi Picard,

* * * * * * *U taking a holiday on earth? No need to explore in space? :P just joking....., Yah i know mechwarrior n battletech are different, but battletech really leads to the birth of battletech2, then to mech commander then to mechwarrior...nowadays...but I dun like mechwarriors...damn, Is there any rpg game that deals in mechs? They should make these, If i'm a programmer i will make it.......blah......


???? tot Mechwarrior came out first before Mech Commander??? Hmmm talking about Mechwarrior, any idea if that game is abandonware??? Sure like to take good old BattleMaster out for a spin again....

The Niles 05-07-2004 09:10 PM

It is abadoneware and I have it but it will not be on the server anytime soon. Be patient is my advice.

FreeFreddy 05-07-2004 09:34 PM

I have Mechwarrior 2, but it isn't running either on Win XP nor on Win 98... ?_?
On my old machine with Windows 95 I was able to play it perfectly though...

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