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SixApes 21-01-2005 10:47 PM

Just to feed the mysteries of my own mind.... What OS does everyone use? How many Systems do you have? Who built their own? C'mon people...... do some bragging..... :D

Kon-Tiki 21-01-2005 10:55 PM

Assembled my comp, built the case for it (out of an old cabinet. Was too cheap to buy a case for it, and it didn't fit in any of those old 286 cases my kid bro had... PSU'd be blocking the heatsink in the biggest one). Running Win98SE on it and am happy with it. There's an old P1 that's ready on which I'll practice Linux after the exams. That one's assembled out of old parts, and due to the thing freezing during boot-up, I used a regular, black 80mmx80mm fan as heatsink, attached it to a rail above the CPU with some sisal rope :whistle:

MasterGrazzt 21-01-2005 11:08 PM

OS/2 Warp.


mouse31e 21-01-2005 11:17 PM

I didn't build my own computer though I had intended to. I ended up needing one in a hurry so I had to buy one! :angry:

Running Windows XP - which I have never had a problem with. I see so many people saying they hate it and it's rubbish but for me it's been better than win95, win98SE and Win2k, so I'm sticking with it. :D :D :D

I did install SuSe Linux (v9 I think) on my system as a second OS but accidentally wrote over the master boot record and ended up having to format the whole computer because I couldn't get into Windows. I did like it though and when I have the courage I will do it again, but without overwriting the boot record this time! :crazy: :blink:

xoopx 21-01-2005 11:28 PM

i built my pc, and upgraded it a couple of times. gotta love the pc for being a 'big box you can shove different stuff into'

ive used a lot of computers, from 8bits upwards and a whoooole lot of OSes.
really, i dont have a loyalty as such. i just use which lets me use the most programs which is xp. this wont always be the case.. if i dont like the future windows, and people stop making stuff work on xp, i might go to another os.
i LOVED beos 4.5 . it was really nice. but no programs back in those days.
linux is too problematic. not that it isnt good, especially as its free (well, free and legit ;) )
amigados/workbench was quite good, but no memory protection = "oh i crashed again"
epoc32 / symbian (in my osaris pocket computer) is nice. never had any kind of crash.

MasterGrazzt 21-01-2005 11:43 PM

I heard a rumour that Longhorn, the next iteration of Windows, will require you to have licenses for just about EVERYTHING on your computer.

If it's true, which is possible, some hackers will release a patch to spoof that "feature" quickly, so don't worry.

SixApes 21-01-2005 11:49 PM

I enjoyed BeOS as welll..... its a shame the way it fizzled out. It reminded me, in many ways, of the Linux desktop and bash box. Like you said, however, few titles were produced that would acctually run on it......

My first system was a TI-98A. Loading games and progs with a data tape sucks.... but there were some fun titles! Three Lost Pirates...... that was a fun adventure.

I then upgraded to a C64. I found alot of likeness to the TI-98A....

Then my first dosbox found its way onto my desk...... love at first sight... :P

I loved DOS.... then WindowZ came along and cast an even greater spell over me....

The spell was broken shortly after XP was released. Please dont misunderstand... I have WinXP on my laptop, but it hasnt been booted for the better part of three months. Just cant find a reason too. I agree with xoopxs' philosophy, and choose to run what runs the most software for me. FC3.

feminista 22-01-2005 12:32 AM

I'm a linux user at heart, Slackware specifically, but I don't use it primarily yet, because my hardware is pretty limited. My best machine is an oldish mac (G4, 466MHz), which I'm using right now. I love macs, and get frequently frustrated at stupid windows problems. My mac also happens to be customized, if you'll forgive the expression, up the arse, which means I often find myself frustrated using out-of-the-box macs that people haven't made the effort to 1337 out with all the woderful third-party software out there. So it's either highly customized mac, or non-RPM-based Linux (with Gnome and some terminal integration software).

But of course, you're probably wondering how I play DOS games. I've got a computer which I got for free, \m/ 450MHz Celeron \m/, which I added a bunch of RAM to to make it run XP and most of what I need it for. It won't run DOSBOX, really, but it can run most games with VDMSound, and I don't need to play too many newer games. It actually will run Ragnarok Online, amazingly, which was fun when a friend of mine ran a Vidar server. The server's pretty empty now though. Anyway, it does what it's designed to do, which is just run old stuff.

But in a year or two, I'll have a nice new compiling-oriented PC-compatible box running Slackware, and I'll be happy.

cheesegrater 22-01-2005 02:42 AM

Heil Windows! *salutes*

John Watts 22-01-2005 04:12 AM

Favourite OS: Mandrake linux 10, Windows Xp
Computers Built: Over 6

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