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Razor2 04-02-2005 07:48 AM

I started with a 8086 (XT) in 1988. Had a CGA monitor which looked like a microwave oven with the buttons on the side.

Wael 04-02-2005 07:49 AM



wendymaree 04-02-2005 09:08 AM

I think it was a 286, and I bought it from where I worked for about forty dollars. It had the enticing green and black screen, and had too little memory to have Windows so it was a Dos only job. At the moment I'm still only using a 200 mhz pentium. However, *ta rah!* I'm about to buy a new laptop. :Brain:

Mikey 04-02-2005 10:06 AM

I had a 386 laptop that refused to work with its own display, so we had to hook a full-sized monitor up to it. It had DOS 5.0 with DOS Shell.
I think I still have it around somewhere...

Reup 04-02-2005 10:55 AM

Commodore 64.
First with a tapedrive, but I got 1541-floppydrive soon after that... so now more 'Load Error" for me after coughing to loud during loading :)

xoopx 04-02-2005 11:43 AM

it wasnt mine, but my uncle had an original atari 800 in about 1980. not 800xl, an 800.

my first computer was a commodore plus/4

The Niles 04-02-2005 12:10 PM

My first computer was an MSX. Not sure what year it was but it was quite a few years after the thing was origionally released.

Omuletzu 04-02-2005 01:16 PM

I can clearly remember this:
1995 - My parents were tricked into buying a PC to assist them in their jobs.This was what my brother told them.In fact they were buying it only so we could play games on it.It was then when i fell in love with DOS, and it's games.It was a 386, the absolute best you could get at that time here.I remember the way it went perfectly.I remember where the store was, how much it cost( 1 million lei-romanian currency, which by today's dollar value would mean something like 30 bucks :) )

konfliktPL 04-02-2005 01:50 PM

Atari 65XE with a California Access FDD and a tape player. :w00t:

The Niles 04-02-2005 02:28 PM

$30 is not a lot of money but I bet 1Million Lei was.

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