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BlackMageJawa 01-04-2005 06:12 PM

Just a heads up to anyone who a) lives in the UK, and B) enjoys the Pirates! game on Abandonia.

Sid Meier's Pirates!, the remake of that classic, is a hell of a lot of fun, and is currently in the GAME sale for just ?24.99

Not convinced? Well how about if I mentioned that the DVD Collector's Box (which has the game, a map, a t-shirt, plus a bonus DVD with mods, art, making-of, and Pirates! Gold) is also in GAME for the same price of ?24.99?

I got it last week. It's fantastic.

Or, if you don't want the collectors bonuses, you can get the normal SMP! for ?14.99 in HMV. You should definitely get one of them if you haven't already.

Tulac 01-04-2005 06:46 PM

I just got it, and I must say I like it, I didn't play the original Pirates! or PotC, so I can't really compare it to similar games...

Robster 01-04-2005 06:56 PM

Wow! thanks BlackMage il'll go get that tomorrow, i loved the original.

TaloN 02-04-2005 11:50 AM

its very fun to start...but quickly gets repeptative. needs a multiplayer patch imo.

Stroggy 02-04-2005 12:39 PM

Indeed, after a while you've got the best ship with all the upgrades and you've done all you can.

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