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Indignus IV 30-05-2005 06:34 PM

Okay Guys. This topic is kind of lame, but I'm curious to see what I'll get.

When Responding to this topic, you must A) state your favorite game on abandonia, and/or why and B) your favorite game of all time and/or why.

Have fun!

Doubler 30-05-2005 07:25 PM

Bouncing Babies! :w00t:

Just kidding.
Favorite game on Abandonia: propably Sim City 2K, or Ascendany, or Transport Tycoon Deluxe. I can't decide, I played all of them a lot.

Favorite game ever: Morrowind. No doubt there, Morrowind.
I played Morrowind, pretty much without playing any other game, for more then two years.

Eagle of Fire 30-05-2005 07:34 PM

This link should be quite revelant to your question. :)

troop18546 30-05-2005 07:38 PM

Best games on Abandonia are: Abuse, Ancient Evil, Battle Chess for Win, Castlevania, Darkseed, Mortal Kombat series, Prehistorik series, Prince of Persia series, UGH.
I'd say all of these. :D Because they were my childhood, well, most of them.

Best games ever: ??????? All good for me... :D

MdaG 30-05-2005 07:38 PM

Best on Abandonia : XCOM
Best ever: Fallout 2

efthimios 30-05-2005 08:03 PM

Best game in Abandonia, IMO XCom. A very cool game, very interesting after so many years, and the best premise in a game ever. :-)

Best game of all time for me, Colonial Conquest. Because it is my favourite game! Strategy, multiplayer (if you want to), lots of replayability, different countries to rule and lead to world conquest, EXTREMELY fun gameplay, and keep playing it almost weekly since 1987. So, it must be good...

Havell 30-05-2005 08:13 PM

Best on Abandonia: UFO - Enemy Unknown

Best: Morrowind (there are loads I could put here but Morrowind is the only one which keeps going on for ages).

Indignus IV 30-05-2005 08:36 PM

Very good responses, definitely very good. Since I brought up the subject heres what I say:

Best Game on Abandonia: So far, the Merchant Prince (kept me going for six hours straight, once!) I love the strategy and the economic twist (especially buying Cardinals, that made me crack up)

Of all time: I would have to split it up into a couple factions, since I have so many.

Strategy: Alpha Centauri
Adventure: 5 days a stranger(also on abandonia)
Action: Freespace, definitely the best space shooter ever made
Simulation: Sticky bear town builder (just kidding) LOL

Nice answers, I'll have to look into these myself

Stroggy 30-05-2005 08:49 PM

On abandonia: Civilization II

Favourite game: after quite a bit of thinking I must say Morrowind. Morrowind doesn't exactly have the greatest graphics now, and the standard game can get boring and there are numerous flaws (that combined with the fact that I'm terrible at it) but in the long run, Morrowind is the kind of game you can just pick up and play no matter how many times you've played it before. You'll always find something new to do, instead of taking the boat as you're used to you could decide to walk to some place for once, exploring a new path and just enjoying the atmosphere. I don't think i've ever had that with another game.

TaloN 30-05-2005 09:32 PM

best game on abandnia : dune (1 not 2)

best game ever : world of warcraft

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