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Tom Henrik 17-07-2004 02:17 PM

Moonstone - A Hard Days Knight
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!


FreeFreddy 17-07-2004 02:54 PM


Believe me… you WILL get hooked to this massive game!
Well, it has only one bad point I could think of: it is too short, you won't need more than 0.5-1 hours to finish it. But because this game makes so much fun you surely will start the game again after you've finished it. :wink:

Petter1979 17-07-2004 06:18 PM

Hehe used to play this game alot on the amiga, alongside with "Cyber Empires" aka "Steel Empire"

Deff one of my favorite games back then. :wink:

Titan 18-07-2004 12:10 AM

Yay... just played it throu... damn.. it brings back ALOT of memories... it's one of the games i BOUGHT for my Amiga 500 back when it was released in 92-93'ish.. (can't remember when i bought it)
And it took 30-40 mins to finish as usual.. ;)

The trick is to just finish the dragon off.. and man.. the dragon is one of the easiest creatures to kill once you get hold of a claymor..
Just lure it into steaching it's neck down, chop it with an over-head blow, and move towards it, and back again.. repeat until dead ;) Muhahaha

revgb 18-07-2004 09:46 AM

i used to play this game on the amiga way back as well. The disks were screwed tho so you could never finish the game. i never thought id play this game again but by god ill finsh this son of a bitch this time

Muiltplayer is the absolute best tho i used to paly 3 palyer with my 2 brothers and always lost :( lol

its been so long that i dont remember is the only way to play multiplayer with one computer or can u do it over networks?

fantastic fucking game well done tom for posting it you are a ledgend

revgb 18-07-2004 09:48 AM

man i never realised how censored this bord was, "son of a femal dog"

Tom Henrik 18-07-2004 12:27 PM


man i never realised how censored this bord was, \"son of a femal dog\"

Well.... The site is growing and as long as there are people out there that gets offended by reading certain words, we will have sencorship on this page.

Sorry :cry:
(I hate the sencorships as much as anyone).

FreeFreddy 18-07-2004 02:22 PM

I don't think censorship is that bad, since there are sometimes people too, that just would love to go on with all that **** and **** words if allowed. Especially when there are even more people visiting the site.

Anonymous 18-07-2004 04:32 PM

Gentlemen, may I ask for your help?

I CAN'T RUN the game. After the introduction finishes, the program crashes back to windows, no messages displayed.

Couls anyone help me? What am I supposed to do?
I run WinXP in a P4 with 512mb ram

Thank you in advance.

Tom Henrik 18-07-2004 04:55 PM

You should always try to run old games in DOSbox before doing anything else. This program is the best program out there for playing such games.

You can download it from our main site. :)

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