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Kosta 06-06-2004 07:00 PM

Kings Quest 6 - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!


Stroggy 06-06-2004 08:28 PM

too many threads so i'll say it here.

The very reason i got into abandonware in the first place was to, one day, play all those old sierra games.
My dream has come true... 3 days before my math exam
oh cruel faith, why dost thou mock me?

Tom Henrik 06-06-2004 09:04 PM

No problem, Stroggy!

Once I got the "GO" order I worked my ass off, in order to bring these games out of the closet. In case anyone is wondering why I have put up the old EGA versions of these games instead of the VGA updates, the reasons are simple.

1. I love to see how the games have eveolved throug the years both in gameplay and in graphics.

2. In order to give you manuals, walkthroughs and extras... I needed to think about the space usage.

3. If we are to celebrate 20 years of great game releases, we need to list the originals!

I hope you will appriciate the effort that lies in this single update.
Have fun with the games :D

Anonymous 16-07-2004 07:39 PM

So these games are free to download?

If so thats amazing

Tom Henrik 16-07-2004 08:33 PM


These games are free to download! :D

Omuletzu 17-07-2004 11:55 AM

Yes it's great that our games are free...
It would be a shame to charge something for them... they are after all abandonware

Anonymous 19-07-2004 01:16 AM

alphabet translator
Perhaps I am a real idiot, because I just realized you can download the copyright protection codes. However...

you know on the "mountain" island, where you have to enter in all this information? I guess you have to translate codes in an ancient alphabet to get the word "soar." How do I get a copy of the translator? Anybody know? thanks, I MUST finish this game, it's killing me!

Tom Henrik 24-07-2004 02:18 PM

The Language of the Ancients are now available for download.
(You will find it on our King's Quest 6 site).

I'm sorry it took this long.

xndr2181 05-08-2004 10:56 PM

Good Game!
This game is amazing! But boy doesn't the copy protection stuff suck now adays? I understand the importance of them back in the day, but nothing ticks me off more then when I'm playing an abondware game and I get some sort of quiz. I just wanted to thank you Tom Henrik for making an extra effort to upload the codes, cause most sites that post these old games fail to do just that. I remember when I played this game a couple of years ago after my friend burned the collection for me, I had to call her to get the codes. It was the funniest thing ever, here she was searching in boxes in her basement trying to find the manual. Then when she finally found it she was given to task of trying to explain them to me over the phone, :lol: I've never laughed so hard in my life, "It has a squiggle going from the top, but it's more to the left" hehehe. Thought you guys would like to know what is was like trying to get pass the protections back before people were kind and smart enough to upload them. :D

Durak 05-08-2004 11:53 PM

One of my favorite Kings Quest games. Hardest part for me (Back in the day...) was the cliff.

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