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bazbazbaz 08-03-2005 04:44 PM

i have a pc with one hard drive.does anyone know the procedure for using fdisk so i can partition the drive and run 2 operating systems on the pc???

Caged 09-03-2005 12:55 PM

I'm guessing that you want to do this to run something like win98 or the like?

The Fifth Horseman 09-03-2005 01:25 PM

1. Backup all the data you have onto CD-R's and/or CD-RW's and/or DVD-R's.
2. Hook up yer HDD to another PC as a slave drive.
3. Use the other PC's OS to formatt your HDD.
4. Launch Fdisk and delete all partitions.
5. Set up all partitions anew

As to running two OS'es at one PC... apart from the Win9x/DOS thing... no clue, sorry mate.

bazbazbaz 09-03-2005 01:51 PM

i want to be able to run win 98 and xp. Or perhaps win 98 and win 3.11???

Data 09-03-2005 02:57 PM

Rogue 09-03-2005 03:41 PM

I used to have a 98/2K dual boot and at some point of time, also Linux (RedHat).

It is not that hard if you start from scretch.

All you need is a win98 cd, start it and select install win98 with CD Rom support, and then when you get to blue screen, hit F3 twice to exit installation.

From there type fdisk and first delete all partitions (XP partiotion will be seen as non-dos partition) and create a new ones. Setup first one as active.

After you reboot, redo process to get to DOS prompt, and then format C partition using /s option ( TYPE THIS: FROMAT C /s ).

Install win98 on the first partition, and then install XP on other partition.

Another nice thing to keep in mind is that you can copy Win98 folder from Win98 installation disc to your local disk, and then start installation from DOS prompt by typing setup. This way you will not be asked for Windows CD if you change any settings or install new drivers.

Hope this will help.

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