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Elwin 15-08-2007 11:37 PM

hello, i recently downloaded Master of magic. At first I run the game directly from windows XP without VDM DOSbox or anything and it seemed to work fine altough i didnt play it. Then I configured the sound and run the game with VDM but when I tried to do so it said my I lacked 16 bits of memory. Funny the game needed 583k and i lacked only 16. Anyway I installed Dosbox and run the game on it and everyhting seemed to go fine, the sound and all. However when I played it everything was incredibly slow. I mean when i clicked on something it takes a few seconds for the sign or whatever to appear. Its terribly annoying.

What is the problem and how could I solve it?

Thanks, Elwin

Mighty Midget 15-08-2007 11:44 PM

Try increasing the cycles in DOSBox. You can do this by either press ctrl + f 12 (ctrl + f 11 to decrease), or you can set a default value in the DOSBox configuration file. NOTE: If the number is set too high, you will most likely experience anomalies. Trial and error is the way to go, try set the cycles to 10.000 and tune it from there.

Blood-Pigggy 15-08-2007 11:54 PM

Dude, do you realize how funny the title of this topic is?

Mom problem, extremely slow! Memory! Roflmao.

BjørnHåvard 16-08-2007 08:19 AM

LOL, Had the same problem with Quarantine 2, think i fixed by changing the cycles like midget said.

Elwin 17-08-2007 12:58 PM

Well fortunately that solved the problem. I do have another problem tough ........ multiplayer. where the hell is it? On the site it said it had multiplayer and it would be very logical considering its a turn-based game. But well i just cant find it anywhere and it isnt mentioned in the manual either.....


Scatty 21-08-2007 03:02 PM

There is a Multiplayer Shell available, which you can download here under Documentation / Extras, but it's rumored to be not exactly great, and it's not part of the game which is why it isn't mentioned in the manual.

guildie 04-09-2007 09:10 AM

Oh cool!! Multiplayer sounds great, but I will take your word into consideration Scatty. Thanks for the link!

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