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Sudilos 01-05-2015 06:14 AM

Castle of the Winds
I'm Background: My RPG life will never be complete, Time has obscured the details. I was in a cave fairly early, full of Kobolds. plentiful pitfall traps unexpectedly plunge you into unknown depths! Thankfully Kobalts drop gear and treasure chests around every corner! A handy map displayed known areas. Pitfalls transport you to the corresponding location on the next level, a handy escape! Until the baddies Catch up.
I'd scout, find chests, run to the nearest pitfall. Mad dash looking for more pitfalls and loot, circle around back uptop or teleport scroll to town or a random location? They might follow me into the hole, taking fall damage and dying. Giving me their loot ;-).
I was chased so deep, that I found a chest with a +3 Mace "magical" and used it to slay my plentiful pursuers. I found an exit to the over world. following a road or a river west, I found a town with high magical weapons.
I did check Mobly for 90s mac games

*graphics were bright seemingly early windows/mac definetly not ascii
*Sole Adventurer "at least at start."
*Tile and sprite based
*Cave shafts only wide enough for 1 tile
*Top Down view but sprites look platform style instead of head and shoulders.
*Over world: rivers towns lakes mountains underworld dungeons and caves.
*Caves feature a Trap, pitfalls which drops you to lower levels
*Consumables: Teleport scrolls, Potions, Keys possibly
*Vial or "vector-triangle tied" based stat raising.
* DnD style +magical weapons that have a blue glow around them.
*stores were inventory icons, not text readouts.
*shareware has to be.
*I am certain it was turn based

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Only Elder Scrolls has given me that thrill of looting while evading heavy hitters.

Sudilos 01-05-2015 07:16 AM

Found it! Credit goes to patryckslasher.

It was, castle of winds.

Interestingly enough, the winds I played had allot more polish and color. While being just as roughly -hand drawn-.

I must now dedicate myself to make a remake of this title.

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