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mikebarry 03-01-2005 09:01 AM

Cross Country USA
This game (as well as Oregon Trail over LAN :wub: , and Carmen Sandiego) was always being played at my Elementary School on rainy days.

I had forgotten this game, and only recently was able to remember the title.

Apparently it's available at The Underdogs

So, did anyone else play this game as a kid? I liked the LAN of Oregon Trail better, but this game was entertaining on its own level, like depriving your driver of sleep, not wearing my seatbelt, and, um...changing the radio!

This game belongs on Abandonia.

Wael 03-01-2005 01:17 PM

Then it needs a review & Permission...

If you would like to review the game (which would be highly apreciated),
please contact one of the admins & ask for permission /-

mikebarry 03-01-2005 09:45 PM

Allrighty then. I've been "looking" for a game that I can review and upload, and this might be a nice (relatively easy) place to start. I'll see what I can do! :D

jag 03-01-2005 11:39 PM

I loved playing Cross Country Canada in 2nd grade.

We were only kids and, I remember we were trying to figure out how to feed the guy, and I typed 'go to restaurant' and it didn't understand, so then tried 'go eat' and it worked.

We we're so stupid, that we thought you had to type 'go to restaurant' and then 'go eat', and nobody would play without me around cause I was the only one who could spell 'restaurant.'

Man, we were dumb. We played it for hours on end just driving around. We didn't even know the point of the game...

CoreyDL 03-09-2007 05:19 AM

Can someone post this? I cant find it to DL online, and I really enjoyed playing it as a kid in elementary school on the green and black screen HAHA.

I am almost certain its abandonware because the company is out of existance now I believe.


You know on second thought if someone has it Im sure it would fit in an email attachment!
Mail removed...David

Dave 03-09-2007 11:14 AM

Cross Country Usa (1995) Published & Developed by Didatech (now under ingenuityworks)
Seems Abandonware.

CoreyDL 03-09-2007 06:51 PM

Cross Country USA
There was one originally from either 85 or 88, thats the one I was referring to.

Dave 03-09-2007 06:58 PM

It's hard to you remember publisher or developer?
Edit: I've found only this: MobyGames
But there is no Pc version.

Luchsen 03-09-2007 07:06 PM


[edit] I see, simulation. 1985 - [APPROVED] [/edit]

Dave 03-09-2007 07:16 PM

Did you find a Dos version? :huh:

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