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TheSmyth 16-03-2005 12:57 PM

So which was your favourite? Which top peripheral(s) have i missed, and why should they be the best? :ok:

Kon-Tiki 16-03-2005 01:12 PM

I don't have any preference. Each game requires something different. But no game is best played with an N64 joypad. That thing's just plain impossible to use. Too many buttons, too much changing of how you hold it in order to play smooth with it. It's more a frustrationpad than a joypad.

DeathDude 16-03-2005 01:28 PM

Don't really have much of a preference either, although I loved the N64 mainly cause it felt like one of the best I've ever held. But probably the best had to be playstations line of controllers as the buttons are in perfect placement, although techincally it was copied from the snes style. But oh well, it works the best for fighting games, for first person shooters, not so much imo.

Borodin 16-03-2005 01:37 PM

No real preference. Menu driven games (and those that require numbers input) work extremely well with the keyboard. Games with free-ranging movement work better with some kind of controller; I personally prefer the trackball, but your mileage may vary.

Timpsi 16-03-2005 01:51 PM

A good joystick was a must in the 8-bit era. Most people would probably say that the legendary TAC-2 was the best one at the time, but I'd disagree - I managed to break mine in a couple of days.

There was one that lasted for years (in fact, I think it is still in a working condition): the one on the right in this picture. It had precise controls and an excellent feel to it. The only problem with it was that after playing for a couple of hours the stick would be so slippery that it became impossible to have a good grip on it.

These days I play everything on keyboard.

Danny252 16-03-2005 03:21 PM

Mouse all the way, man! It's the only good way to put strategy and 3D together!

xoopx 16-03-2005 03:55 PM

the XOOPX controller of course! ;)


but seriously, the right controller for the right game.

tomb raider needs a psx controller. its unplayable on a dreamcast.

q-bert needs the diagonally mounted arcade 4 way joystick

pacman needs a proper 4-way

marble madness needs a trackball, etc

Kon-Tiki 16-03-2005 04:01 PM

And no, absolutely no game at all deserves to be treated so bad as to have to be played with an N64 controller :bleh:

But Marble Madness with a trackball... that explains why I never got far in there on ye olde Master System II, not even with a joystick. It actually doesn't make sense not to play it with a trackerball :D

Omuletzu 18-03-2005 10:00 AM

Other than the conventional mouse & keyboard duo, i'd have to say the PS controllers were excellent for playing action packed games(like Twisted metal, Vigilante, NFS, and stuff like that)

Eagle of Fire 18-03-2005 11:22 AM

None of the above. All have their strenght and their weakness.

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