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TheChosen 03-09-2012 03:50 AM

The Fool and His Money
Some of you may have heard of this project thats been going on for a long time now. For those of you who haven't, Fool and His Money is a sequel of the Fool's Errand, which is a amazing old game where you have to solve different kind of puzzles.

Its been in the development for at least 6 years by the author of the original game and it will be finally released on September 24. There's a teaser (which Im assuming is the demo, havent checked yet) available on their site, as well as ordering buttons and stuff.

My only problem is that, at least for now, its only available as a physical copy, and it comes with a price of 40$ plus shipping and handling. As much as I liked Fools Errand, I think I'll wait for a while and hope there's gonna be cheaper digital download available.

Japo 03-09-2012 07:09 PM

Man I played Fool's Errand in a friend's ancient MacInstosh many years ago, and I loved it. Years later I downloaded the DOS version from here and played it again.

It does say there will be a digital download. Although the whole website looks from the 90s. :P

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