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moogle 13-09-2005 03:24 AM


TheGiantMidgit 13-09-2005 04:16 AM


ReamusLQ 13-09-2005 04:59 AM

The little TV I do watch (which is all stuff I've downloaded or have on DVD's).

Simpsons, Southpark, Seinfield...need I say more?

TheGiantMidgit 13-09-2005 05:04 AM

A southpark, satire at its finest... one of the only programs worth tuning in for. That, and the endless Family guy reruns.

allyfaucet 13-09-2005 05:29 AM

I don't watch too much british in the US of A :bleh:

Plus, I've seen some british shows and didn't really get the humor :blink:

TheGiantMidgit 13-09-2005 05:45 AM

Oh yes, it would seem British humour is sorely lacking in humourus car wrecks, snide sitcom sex comments, and the good old fashion punch in the face. How they miss out....

auhsor 13-09-2005 06:18 AM

British, because I do like some of the british shows. I really dislike American sitcoms, and get annoyed whenever they are on. I don't watch much tv now because of this and the flooding of Reality shows and the usual junk.

Tulac 13-09-2005 08:39 AM

If we're talking about humour than it's an offense to even compare British humour to American...

Kearnsy 13-09-2005 12:25 PM

A little from colomn A, a little from column B.
I love the Simpsons, South Park, Dave Chapell Show etc.
But i still love The Office, Little Britan etc.

...but i had to vote for American.

Sebatianos 13-09-2005 12:34 PM

Well I think the question is not well put. Television would mean all the chanells that originate in either US or UK. And they show foregin stuff as well (sometimes).
Or at least there are british series being shown on US chanells and the other way around... But when it comes down to programe it depends which series we're talking about.
Good US series I really enjoy: MASH, The Simpsons, Southpark, Star Trek, Colombo, P.I. Magnum, Monk, Scrubs, X-files (some earlier episodes), Star Gate (some episodes)...
Good UK series I enjoy: The House of Cards, To Play a King, The Final Cut, Only Fools and Horsed, Allo Allo, Monty Python, BlackAdder, The Piglet Files, Office...

But you know there is more then just those two countries in the world... And other countries generally do have at least one television studio (even Buthan - although they only transmit some 2 hours a day).

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