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The Fifth Horseman 06-10-2011 04:03 PM

A movie I don't quite remember the name of...
It keeps bugging me since a while. I've been looking over some related entries on TvTropes and can't identify the SF movie - or TV series - it came from
All I remember is one scene - a group of characters (who I believe were the protagonists) interrogating a disembodied head of an android of some kind (which has been played by a woman). Near the end there is a mention of the android being "class seven" and so able to remotely control its' appendages even if the head or the limbs are severed from the main body. At that point, one of its' arms - which has been detached when the android was fought (by the protagonists? not sure) manages to sabotage something in the location (which, if my memory serves, was a spaceship or an orbital base).
I'm certain I've seen that before 2005, possibly even before 2000.

RRS 06-10-2011 05:02 PM

I vaguely recall something like talking severed head, but that movie dated back from Soviet Union days (saw it before 1990 and it was old back then) and the head was that of a man.

The Fifth Horseman 06-10-2011 05:20 PM

The one you've seen probably was Ash in the first Alien movie. Except that one a) is male and b) I can't find any references for that one having the remotely controlled limbs thing.

Japo 06-10-2011 06:08 PM

Yes whatever movie this is, it doesn't sound like Alien, but it must have borrowed the "questioning an android's disembodied head" from it. I don't think I've seen it, I would remember the Alien reference.

Eagle of Fire 06-10-2011 08:43 PM

I hope you realize how many movie in existence to which this particular scene could apply to?

However... Just for the sake of it... Would it so happen that those robots are self replicating robots, that in the late movies of that serie those robots manage to take near perfect human form to fool the few remaining humans (since their function is to hunt them down) and often take the form of children or women to abuse their soon to die human saviors?

If so then at the very end of one of those movies the "hero" "fly" back to Earth via an escape pod... And unwillingly bring a sample of those robots with him.

RRS 06-10-2011 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 434820)
The one you've seen probably was Ash in the first Alien movie.

No. Even on a b&w TV I could tell old sci-fi flick from a contemporary one.

It was a severed head in a lab, with life functions sustained via tubes/cables/etc. Scary as hell for a few years old kid.

It could be this (Soviet, but too new)

...or maybe this:

The Fifth Horseman 06-10-2011 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 434839)
I hope you realize how many movie in existence to which this particular scene could apply to?

Probably quite a few. Hopefully the few details I remembered might narrow it down to... uh, a dozen or two? :p Too many possibilities is better than none whatsoever.

The fact I can't identify the bloody thing has been getting on my nerve, else I wouldn't waste your time asking.
I've once went through a significant portion of my comic archive to remember where does the "Evil spock with a beard!" reaction to an explanation about parallel universes appear (it was newUniversal, in case you wonder). Similar thing here.


However... Just for the sake of it... Would it so happen that those robots are self replicating robots, that in the late movies of that serie those robots manage to take near perfect human form to fool the few remaining humans (since their function is to hunt them down) and often take the form of children or women to abuse their soon to die human saviors?
No idea. I only remember this one scene. Not sure if I watched any earlier or later part of that film. :/

Pex 07-10-2011 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 434839)
I hope you realize how many movie in existence to which this particular scene could apply to?

However... Just for the sake of it... Would it so happen that those robots are self replicating robots, that in the late movies of that serie those robots manage to take near perfect human form to fool the few remaining humans (since their function is to hunt them down) and often take the form of children or women to abuse their soon to die human saviors?

If so then at the very end of one of those movies the "hero" "fly" back to Earth via an escape pod... And unwillingly bring a sample of those robots with him.

The movie you are talking about is Screamers with Peter Weller (the guy from Robocop). I remember that move and ther is no severed talking head.

marko river 10-10-2011 08:29 AM

Yeah that's Screamers, an awesome awesome movie. But no androids and remotely controlled limbs, although screamers also have classes. Screamers also came to my mind when reading about classes. But I think they got to class four when they became like humans, they are not manufactured by humans and probably no class seven. And it's not only Peter Weller, there's that guy that played Michael in Nikita :)
Sorry TA, but at least you can watch Screamers before finding out this movie.

edit: just in case, I was checking Klaus Kinski because of other topic, and stumbled upon movie Android - it can't hurt to try, it might be a lucky guess.

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