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Omuletzu 19-10-2004 11:15 AM

Okay i've got a great idea, that will boost our ranks substantially.So the idea is :
we contact the developer of a verry famous old game, say dune2, and we interview him regarding this game.
We could have an interview with the developers of a game every week or so.I believe people would be verry interested in the making of old games.
This will(hopefully) make people flock to our site, making HotU look like , like well something inferior(i don't know the expression well enough, but you get the idea... :tomato: ) compared to us

:sneaky: :ranting: *a few moments later* :butcher: :help:

Tom Henrik 19-10-2004 11:46 AM

I like the idea.

Havell 19-10-2004 12:21 PM

A very good idea but how do you plan to contact the developer and will the developer (or his company) be happy with us suppling his games illegally.

Omuletzu 19-10-2004 12:41 PM

Good point... the solution? We interview only the developers whose games are abw for sure(dune2, kyrandia, warcraft1,etc.), and not games like doom, hexen, eye of beholder, and so on.
For starters we should stick to interviewing only developers whose company has gone bankrupt, and thus has released all their software(westwood for example, although i think EA bought the titles for the games westwood produced)

Anyway i don't think they'll mind...
I mean it's not like they could make anymore money out of it...
We're just letting the people enjoy the gems they've created

Iron_Scarecrow 19-10-2004 12:53 PM

But now that they know people will come here to download it, they may ask for a fee to keep it on the site, or just ask you to take the game off the site. People are stange creatures, you never know what they might do. It is a risk.

Martin 19-10-2004 12:57 PM

I agree, the nice idea has both pros and cons.

We can't risk having Abandonia of the net, or whaterver might happen, as Crow said, people are strange creatures.

Iron_Scarecrow 19-10-2004 01:03 PM

I suppose it depends whether Kosta is willing to take the risk.

Omuletzu 19-10-2004 01:18 PM

Yes i have to admit that this is the risk we will have to undertake... the developers could be thrilled by the idea of talking about their games(remembering the past, their former colleaugues with whom they worked on the game), or they could be angry at the fact that their games are being offered for free(even if it has been 10 years since they were launched on the market)
The question is if abandonia is willing to take that risk.
Personally i think that the developers would be thrilled to share their stories.Of course each person is different, and each one will act accordingly.
Now keep in mind that the developers are NOT the same thing as publishers.Now publishers could have something against it because they are the ones who launch the game, and the people who basically get the most money out of it.Developers on the other side make the game, they hand it over to the publisher, who advertises it, and distributes it.So developers should have anything to loose.Plus the games we have here are 10 years + old, so it's not like they're available for buying anymore.

I must admit though that this idea is a potential danger to abandonia :crazy:

BlackMageJawa 19-10-2004 02:16 PM

It's a nice idea, but I don't think it's a great plan to draw developers' attention to a site like this. Unless you can find ones you know don't mind this kind of thing (Such as those who have made their old games Freeware. I'd love to see an interview with the guys from Revolution who're behind Beneath a Steel Sky)

Maikel 19-10-2004 03:09 PM

First ask if they want to be interviewed about their abandoned game, you can ask if it's abandoned at all.

If he agrees. Then you can tell it's for . make a backup of the reply mail where he states the game is AW though ;)

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