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Melissa 09-01-2005 08:05 PM

When I try to play a game.....a 60 minute trial that I downloaded, a black screen comes up and says out of frequency range and you can still hear the sound but it doesnt go away! HELP! The game isnt old neither....its 18 wheels of steel: pedal to the medal. And my computer is a DELL Dimension 2350...PLEASE HELP ME! :cry:

Eagle of Fire 09-01-2005 08:21 PM

This is a new game, and this site is about old abadonware games. I don't think many people will be able to help you, especially in 5 minutes. Plus, I would recommend that you try to be a little more patient next time. I deleted your 3 spam posts, please don't do that again. If someone can help you we will be glad to do it as soon as we log in.

A quick search on the web led me to this page. Please read down the add, where it is written "Full Story", especially the part:


The game requires at least DirectX 8.1 installed on the computer to work properly. You can find DirectX 9.0b distribution on the game CD in the DirectX9 folder

************************************************** ****************

For 18 Wheels of Steel - Pedal to the Metal technical Support, please please visit:

For the latest information on game, please visit:

*** For users of some graphics cards and chipsets, please note that you may be required to switch to DirectX instead of OpenGL. If you see any graphics corruption, it is a good idea to try this.

I would advise you to go to the site mentioned ( if you still have problems after this.

melissa 09-01-2005 08:25 PM

OH! Well so0o0rRy! All I did was search on google and this website came up so I clicked it and I seen ppls asking questions about games so I asked my own questions! Jeesh what rude ppl around here!

JJXB 09-01-2005 08:27 PM

its your monitor, it can't handle the refresh rate thats set for the game, you have to somehow reduce the forced refresh rate to 60hz (through your gfx drivers or a 3rd party utility)

Eagle of Fire 09-01-2005 08:29 PM

Spamming is considered as rude, so you are the offending one here. I beleive it's a very basic forum rule, and I don't think I need to explain it.

You could always visit this thread. I never seen the flash animation but I heard it's good. ;)

MasterGrazzt 09-01-2005 08:29 PM


Originally posted by melissa@Jan 9 2005, 09:25 PM
OH! Well so0o0rRy! All I did was search on google and this website came up so I clicked it and I seen ppls asking questions about games so I asked my own questions! Jeesh what rude ppl around here!
Calm down, sugar. Your hyperspastic ways will get you nothing but ignored. Like the Eagle said, have patience, especially since this site was not set up to answer questions from new games. If you took the time to read the FAQs...

And I think 3 spam posts is a little more rude than anything that was done to you.

melissa 09-01-2005 08:29 PM

thanks were alot kinder about it then the eagle person :ranting: ........LOL thanks :D

melissa 09-01-2005 08:33 PM

what the *meep* is spam posts? all i wrote was will anyone help me and the other one was there must not be anybody smart enough to answer my question? cuz i didnt kno if anyone knew the answer or not jessh!

JJXB 09-01-2005 08:33 PM

well, i stepped in to help (even if you might have ignored general nettiquette before) i think EOF was a bit harsh in his responses but it isn't considered right to spam on the net but i'll help when i can :)
edit - spam is an unneccesary post. patience can be a virtue as well :)

melissa 09-01-2005 08:35 PM

what the hell is spam? :crazy: i didnt swear and it was a mean post...what the hell was wrong with it :sniper:

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