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The Fifth Horseman 31-07-2009 06:41 AM

Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat


open notepad and paste the following code.
save as "whshr.bat" with quotes
then double click the whshr.bat
to have the game installed from the CD


@echo off
title S.o.t.h.r. Install Helper
color 4E

rem 12/18/07 check for cmdext before executing script
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 echo Unable to enable command extensions (cmd.exe /E:ON)
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto end

echo Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat (English v1.1)
echo Install Helper (for win 2k, xp, vista) Freeware, No Warranties
echo Created by aqrit
echo Full Install (340mb) No CD needed to play
echo example path [ C:\games\Warhammer - sothr ]
set /p installto=Install To Path:
echo example path [ D: ]
set /p installfrom=Install From Path:
echo Wait for notification of installation completion before closing

xcopy /s /y "%installfrom%\WARFB\REMOTE\*.*" "%installto%\*.*"
xcopy /s /y "%installfrom%\WARFB\ENG\FILE\*.*" "%installto%\*.*"
mkdir "%installto%\SAVE"
copy "%installfrom%\WARFB\ENG\WIN95\*.*" "%installto%\*.*"
copy "%installfrom%\WARFB\ENG\GENERIC\*.*" "%installto%\*.*"
copy "%installfrom%\RMORPH\RLDDF.DLL" "%installto%\*.*"
xcopy /s /y "%installfrom%\RMORPH\RL\*.*" "%windir%\system32\RL\*.*"
copy "%installfrom%\WING\WING32.DLL" "%windir%\system32\*.*"

echo Creating Registry Entries...
rem double backslash needed in *.reg file
set installtodub=%installto%
set installtodub=%installtodub:\=\\%
echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 >"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo. >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mindscape] >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo. >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mindscape\WarHammerFB] >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo. >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mindscape\WarHammerFB\LocalDir] >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo @="%installtodub%" >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo. >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mindscape\WarHammerFB\RemoteDir] >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo @="%installtodub%" >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo. >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mindscape\WarHammerFB\SaveDir] >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo @="SAVE" >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo. >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mindscape\WarHammerFB\UpdateDir] >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
echo @="" >>"%installto%\WHSHR.REG"
start /d %windir% /wait regedit /s "%installto%\WHSHR.REG"

echo Installation Finished
echo Windows Vista might have the sothr fonts "in-use" and not allow sothr
echo to use them... if this happens just restart your pc

RRS 05-08-2009 03:14 AM

Thanks. I have SOTHR and my current solution was to mix *cough* rip-installer with my original CD content... I was so lazy I left experimenting for later...

arete 02-10-2009 04:42 AM

Should I just add that bat file to the archive, then, and add instructions at the end of the review?

Acethor 02-10-2009 02:09 PM

Already done.

stinkywizzleteats 07-11-2010 02:08 PM

Was anyone able to get the game available on abandonia to work? I followed the instructions and I get to the first battle and I hear the music but the screen is blank and the game shows as "not responding"

I used to have the cd somewhere and the full game on my backup drive somewhere but I lost both somehow. Would love to play this game again.

I found a copy of Warhammer Dark Omen that works on XP.. (tpb).. If anyone needs link pm me. Ripper notes "This version is specially thought to work under Windows XP as good as the original game did under Windows 98. Also runs under Vista and Windows 7.

stinkywizzleteats 30-11-2010 07:01 PM

I still can't get this to work on Windows XP.

I have a CD copy of the game and still can't get it to work.

I was able to get the game to the first battle sequence using the abandonia files and instructions but then the game freezes. Can you guys give me any advice. I am wondering what you meant by you were able to get it to work with "rip installer" for one.

stinkywizzleteats 30-11-2010 08:59 PM

Ok i got the game to work in XP. Here is how I made it work. Everything appears to work except for the cut scenes; these should be on youtube. Here is the intro video on youtube:

You will need either the CD of the game or the iso file that you can mount with daemon tools lite.

You will need a file called "SOTHR.reg" found on this site:

You will need the game file found on abandonia which contains some of the source files:

(1) I created a folder on my desktop I named temporaryfolder and unpacked the abandonia files to it.
(2) Copy RMORPH folder contents to your windows\system32 folder.
(3) Create a folder called C:\GAMES folder and Copy WARFB folder to C:\GAMES
(4) Create empty folder TEMP inside WARFB folder.
(5) Create folder UPDATE inside WARFB folder.
(6) Create folder BINARY inside WARFB\UPDATE folder.
(7) Copy only files (not the folders!) from \WARFB\FILE\BINARY to
(8) Run file SOTHR.reg to register required dlls.
(9) In your WARFB folder set for game executable compatibility option
"Run in 256-color mode".
(10) Copy files from \WING\ directory to Windows\system32:
(11) Run the game from the CD


If you run ccleaner or a similar program it will detect errors in your registry. If you "fix" these, you will need to run the SOTHR.reg again.

The Fifth Horseman 04-12-2010 04:27 PM


(10) Copy files from \WING\ directory to Windows\system32:
Or just properly install the WinG API. We've got an installer in the Programs section.

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