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Mighty Midget 22-11-2007 10:52 AM

Steel Fury - Kharkov 1942
This game has been under developement for some time now, and was scheduled for spring this year. I hope it's not vapourware, coz the demo looks promising indeed!

It's a Russian made tank sim taking place during WW2, and the demo can be found here:

For the trailer:

Somewhat hefty system requirements though:
Recommended is a 3 Ghz super-duper-ultra processor and 1.5 GB Ram along with not-a-crappy-video card.

Burger Meister 22-11-2007 11:04 AM

I don't think those are then minimum requirements and judging from the trailer... I don't like the tank movement. This T-34 is turning on a dime...

Mighty Midget 22-11-2007 11:22 AM

They're not minimum, but recommended ;)

I played the demo a bit, and the wagon I was driving had a nice feeling to it, turning wise.

I just had a look at the manual.... Man, they really need to clean that up. A mishmash of latin letters and cyrillic,, English and Russian, syntax that leaves me wondering if I'm drunk. I'm sure there's a lot of really helpful info in there, but I can't understand what they try to tell me. Oh well, someone will hopefully come along and redo the whole thing.

Relax, I'm not mocking, I'm just stressing my point:
(From the manual)
5) Image of the tank, on which will be at war the player.

EDIT: Don't bother with the demo. Wait for the full release with the necessary patches.

I have reached the conclusion the game is seriously lacking in a few crucial areas, like driving/engine handling. See, the transmission has no impact on what gear you drive with. 1st gear may or may not take you forward. It may do nothing, leaving you motionless, or it may take you backwards. Neutral: Same story. Reverse? Still the same story. When I left the driving to the AI, it couldn't reverse at all, but had the tanks making tiny jumps forward. I had to enter the driver's seat and manually put it in reverse, but then the AI could no longer move forwards....

The manual target search routines are flawed, if I understand the manual the slightest. There is no such thing as manual target search in the game. The AI will randomly select visual contacts as targets for you. If that happens to be a rifleman, then the enemy tank, also visible, will be completly ignored by the AI. Fine, you may say: Leaves the targeting to you. Nope, Because at a newbie level (as I am at) you will never spot the tank, or the AT gun until they have fried you.

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