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nate091878 04-01-2009 09:17 PM

Ascendancy issue
Hello All,

I am having problems getting Ascendancy to run on one of my computers. I have been able to get the game to run on my vista machine and my laptop(also running vista) through DOSBox, but am having problems with my XP machine.

I have installed DOSBox, and followed the instructions for mounting a folder to run my games from. What I have done with my other PC's is unzip the Ascendancy folder into the DOS folder I created to launch my other games from. I run the ASCEND.exe from DOSBox and the game starts with no problems.

I have done the same with my XP machine, but when I run the executable the game appears to start(by this I mean the usual text shows up in the DOS window just before launch) but then the DOS prompt just shows up again without launching the game. I hope this makes sense. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

Eagle of Fire 04-01-2009 10:30 PM

I usualy don't bother with DOSBox for Ascendancy. Try using VDMSound instead.

The only issue will be that the mouse speed is way down for that game. Back in the days it didn't stop me from playing though, and if you have a new laser mouse with high resolution (or one you can fix the resolution yourself) then you should not bump into this issue.

_r.u.s.s. 05-01-2009 12:40 AM

if you decide to go on with dosbox, what's written in dos prompt after the game quits?

nate091878 07-01-2009 03:03 AM

Here's what I get in DOSbox:

DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.97
Copyright <c> Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994


When the game would normally launch, instead it just shows up the prompt again. I only have this problem with Ascendancy so far.

Here's what I get in VDM Sound(not even sure how to operate this program):

Loading 'VDLoader.dll'...
DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.97
Copyright <c> Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994

Then VDMS just hangs. The window title shows [Inactive VDMS Launchpad - ASCEND.EXE]

So far thats all I have. I should also mention that I have reinstalled DOSBox, and re-downloaded the game. The same download works on my other machines. I looked for the "work right the first time" button but I couldn't find it.

Eagle of Fire 07-01-2009 05:24 AM

Please give us more information: what is your OS, what version of DOSBox are you using? Are you using the version of the game that we have on site? Are you sure that you unzipped every files?

I just tryied Ascendancy on my computer (AB version). Works perfectly with DOSBox 0.72, and without a itch with VDMSound. The mouse issue don't even seem to be present with DOSBox...

_r.u.s.s. 07-01-2009 01:03 PM

he's apparently running latest dosbox on xp with abandonia version...

Eagle of Fire 08-01-2009 03:15 AM

I know he said some in his first thread, but I still need more information.

For me the fact that he manage to run the game under DOSBox with Vista and not under XP don't make much sense. If anything DOSBox should work better in XP than Vista.

The only thing I can think right of my hat of would be that the configuration files are not indentical for both copies of DOSBox. Maybe he enabled a different core on his Vista copy or something like that?

And he never actually specified he downloaded the game from AB either.

_r.u.s.s. 08-01-2009 12:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
according to my experiments, it seems you're missing COB.CFG fille or one of these:
ASCEND00.COB 377_589 bytes
ASCEND01.COB 12_385_306 bytes
ASCEND02.COB 60_787_718 bytes

are they same on your pc?

COB.CFG is in attachements but the other ones are rather huge, in case they are not same size get new ones from abandonia

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