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Kosta 22-05-2004 10:38 PM

Pizza Tycoon
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

LotharGR 22-05-2004 10:47 PM

hehe... This game makes me feel hungry :P

Tom Henrik 22-05-2004 11:01 PM

I know the feeling...
I crave a pizza every time I play it :P

gregor 23-05-2004 03:52 PM

the recepies i downloaded have strange file format. mht?
i triedopening it in html and in explorer it's strange while in netscape it's ok at least the first part but it ends with lots of numbers and letters like there should be a picture on that spot or something.... strange

otherwise it's a nice game but only to be played with full stomach.

FreeFreddy 23-05-2004 03:59 PM

Hey, I saved my pizza for tomorrow. Well... Why not... 8)

DeathCore 09-06-2004 09:55 PM

Nice game, I actually own..well...owned the original [I lost it during a moving pretty recently]

Say, how do you get people to your place? I used to have something like that in the old days by coincidence...

eric10051981 10-06-2004 11:07 AM

you gotta look at the trend.. try to make pizza with trend ingredients and try to set the channel of the tv and jukebox music.. kids love the first music and channel on the list and so forth.. sorry i forgot the names coz it's been a while since i last played.. i finished the game actually and became a king with lotsa money.. :D

DeathCore 11-06-2004 01:00 AM

but i first need to ATTRACT The customers, no?
how to do THAT?

eric10051981 11-06-2004 02:31 AM

well, usually i played the dark side of the pizza tycoon first, that is to become a godfather or at least a rank below godfather.. after that there won't be any annoying gangster asking for protection money and you can access the missions to earn more money.. money laundring was the easiest, quickest and least risky if you asked me.. :P just do some depositing at the nearest bank to some bank account.. i once got 300k just doing that in less than 1 minute.. :D

now that you got money, try to find a place, either you buy it or rent it, that got the largest population around. you can see the information at the right column.. and as i said before, try to make a 'trendy' pizza and make lots of variation.. i once got about 30-40 recipes (which i made myself) and as the result i got a branch with monthly income of, roughly, 80-100k :D

hope this helps.. :)

Tom Henrik 11-06-2004 03:42 AM

Or you could simply download the Starters Manual that I wrote for the game. It has a topic called "attracting customers"...

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