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Expack2 02-08-2011 08:55 PM

Expack's Video Thread
Note: This thread will not contain videos I've de-made. It will only contain videos I've made.

Because I've got a small collection of YouTube videos piling up (but not necessarily un-viewed), I've decided to share some of them with the Abandonia community. Also, unlike my De-make thread, please leave comments for my videos on YouTube, not in this thread.

Combat and Evasive Maneuvers in Miner Wars 2081
This video, which will become obsolete when the game's developers release their uber-patch, showcases the alpha-stage gameplay of Miner Wars 2081, and has me being chased by some AI pilots.

Extreme Destruction in Miner Wars 2081 *UPDATED*
The asteroids in Miner Wars 2081 are completely destructible - and in this video, I show how true that is!

Quickness (Standard Version)
This is a video I created from the post-race replay for my Trackmania United Forever track Quickness. It's one of my favorite Trackmania videos which I've created!

Expack2 02-08-2011 09:06 PM

Racing and Zelda-Style Dungeon Crawling
A video I created from the post-race replay for my Trackmania United Forever track Loop-Around.

Spiral Knights - Concrete Jungle Excursion
An annotated video I took from a session of Spiral Knights I played. In this video, I take part in a fun jaunt through one of the Concrete Jungle levels.

Spiral Knights - Getting Wasted in the Wasteworks

An annotated video I took from a session of Spiral Knights I played. In this video, I take part in what first starts as a grueling battle in a Challenge Route in one of the Wasteworks levels, then transitions to a boring (by comparison) after-battle.

Expack2 02-08-2011 09:11 PM

Retro N00bage and Rockets Going Boom
Cortex Command: One Man Army
This video, taken from the indie game Cortex Command, is a demonstration of the game's One Man Army mode. Because of how fun the game is, this was an absolute blast to film!

Rocket Destruction Madness
What happens when you mix the rocket-building of indie game Kerbal Space Program and someone who loves destroying things (aka me)? You get a video of epic destruction!

_r.u.s.s. 07-08-2011 02:57 PM

those are actually cool videos

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