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h8today 19-04-2007 02:36 AM

I dont know the name of this game..but it's one I've been trying to find for a while.

The game starts out with a kind of duckhunt game, only you're shooting these monsters. You win a doll, and are changed into the doll and sent to an island. On the island, you have to do a number of puzzles...mostly typical stuff, like move the rings around 3 poles so that the smallest one is always on top, and using the shapes to make another shapes (ie making a sailboat out of triangles). I also remember something with a guy in the gallows, and something about collecting all these items for a potion that will turn you back into a human.

kinda vague, but I hope someone knows of it

guesst 21-04-2007 04:26 AM

Just so you don't thing that nobody cares, I've read your post, searched my memory, and come up short.

Sorry, dude or dudette. I got nothing.

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