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jg007 02-05-2009 09:25 PM

Lovin Windows 7 :)
first important thingis that all the old games I have tried on Windows 7 so far have worked without any problems at all

So far I have tried -

Half Life
Max Payne 2
Raven Shield

When I switch back to XP it just looks old and dated and it sems less secure, I am a bit of a MS fan boy ( lol, probably the only one on this forum ) but I really think that this is an improvement over xp/Vista and personaly plan to get it as soon as it is released although I will probably switch my current config so that XP is on a 30GB partion as a backup in case I try to play any older stuff.

anybody else been trying it and had problems or any thoughts?

and b4 u say it don't even mentions flippin linux as it just would not work for about 100+ reasons :)

Mighty Midget 02-05-2009 09:28 PM

Well, I certainly hope Win 7 is better than Vista. Afterall, Vista turned out to be just a test version (barely a beta) of their new final solution. I do hope the final product is better than the test version.

ianfreddie07 03-05-2009 01:52 AM

Yeah. Windows 7 looks very promising. :)

TotalAnarchy 03-05-2009 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by jg007 (Post 362450)
I am a bit of a MS fan boy ( lol, probably the only one on this forum )

No, you're not! :ninja: Though I'm more of a Corporations fanboy... (from Microsoft to IBM, Intel and so on)

Tulac 03-05-2009 12:09 PM

BTW Windows released a new RC of Windows 7 which will be active for a year. That means that you will be able to use it legally even when they (plan to) release the regular version of Windows 7. BTW all I heard of this OS is positive feedback and I know people who already use it as their primary OS (people that skipped Vista) even though it's still in beta.

Perhaps it will be the OS Vista was supposed to be.

AlumiuN 04-05-2009 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Tulac (Post 362532)
BTW Windows released a new RC of Windows 7 which will be active for a year. That means that you will be able to use it legally even when they (plan to) release the regular version of Windows 7. BTW all I heard of this OS is positive feedback and I know people who already use it as their primary OS (people that skipped Vista) even though it's still in beta.

Perhaps it will be the OS Vista was supposed to be.

I certainly hope so. Then Dell can stop forcing Vista upon me. :D

U-Boat Commander David 04-05-2009 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Mighty Midget (Post 362451)
Well, I certainly hope Win 7 is better than Vista. Afterall, Vista turned out to be just a test version (barely a beta) of their new final solution.

Anyone say "final solution"?

DonCorleone 04-05-2009 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by U-Boat Commander David (Post 362673)

Uhm, that an answer like this is given by an Austrian is somekind of... uhm... clear!?

red_avatar 04-05-2009 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mighty Midget (Post 362451)
Well, I certainly hope Win 7 is better than Vista. Afterall, Vista turned out to be just a test version (barely a beta) of their new final solution. I do hope the final product is better than the test version.

Why do people exaggerate so much. :doh2: It wasn't that bad at all - it was marred by poor drivers for the 64 bit version and the UAC which you have to turn off, really. Besides that, Vista was in a FAR better shape than Windows XP upon release and at this moment, Vista is far more stable than XP has ever been for me.

The problems came from the move to 64bit and some companies trying to scam people by making them buy new hardware due to terrible Vista drivers.

Danny252 04-05-2009 09:22 PM

Vista's alright - once you turn off all the Vista features and essentially make it XP under a different name.

I don't want shiny start bars or alt-tabbing or seethrough screens - I just want something that runs my programs. Admittedly Vista has a few decent features, such as bulk renaming of files while keeping extensions - but I'm really rather sure other OSes have had that ability for a while anyway?

As for stability, my XP PC and my Vista Laptop crash with about the same frequency. And the PC tends to be on for much longer periods!

The tl;dr version? Vista's XP with a few flashy bits added on the top, and as long as I turn off most of the flashy bits, I don't mind it.

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