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gregor 13-03-2011 09:45 AM

Crapiest game of 2010 = Hunting Unlimited 2011
Well at least i think it is fom 2010.

what a waste. ok so i played some older hunting unlimited 4 i think. it's a hunting game. graphics are not too fancy but sitll do the job just fine. you have animal tracking form tracs or blood, differenty types of accessories to help you with the hunt (camouflage etc.). so what i was wondering is how they improved it. since there are some good free hunting games available out there.

I read some other review that game is no good but i though let's give it a try. afterall not everyone might liek these kind of game sisnce there is plenty of waiting involved.

but what a piece of crap it turned out to be. graphics is sub par and remind me kind of mid nineties to 2000 games. but ok let's give it the benefit of the doubt. there is no shrubs and there seem to be 2 types of game play. one is you stand in a small elevated box and wait for "waives" of animals to come to you. waves? WTH?! you can't get off form this box or anything like that. now the previous version i mentioned had these hunting boxes all over the place you could even go and climb on a tree. the seocnd one is "tracking"/stalking.apaprently more dangerous and demanding. ok so i though maybe that was training so let's try this one.

and tracking/stalking is....... that animals spawn when you get close to them and the minimap actually shows you where they are (i guess you carry a small animal detecting radar) taking all the fun away. oh and there is no prone position or crouch or anythign like that. so basically stalking - is
running arround the woods hunting blips that appear on minimap.

Lame, lame, lame.... it took me 5 minutes of this game play and then i uninstalled it. do NOT waste your money on this one!

pong is a better game. :wabbit:

Wicky 13-03-2011 01:03 PM

Congrats on post nr. 1000 ! :)

Eagle of Fire 13-03-2011 06:52 PM

Is there actually something as a good hunting or fishing game in existance? :unsure:

arete 13-03-2011 07:59 PM

That Bambo the evil deer game sounded good - you play an angry stag with a big gun bent on taking revenge on all the hunters in the forest. Violent but really funny :3

Fubb 13-03-2011 08:44 PM

that little box your standing in is called a 'Tree Stand'

And dude, in real hunting, animals TOTALLY come at you in massive waves. I thought everyone knew that.

Eagle of Fire 13-03-2011 09:14 PM

One of my cousins is a real hunter.

Game don't act that way. :p

Hunters who wait in "tree stands" actually pay good amount of money to the owner of said stand because he actually have to take a lot of time "seeding" the place with food which will attract the game in question. Otherwise there would be no point in waiting for days in a stand knowing that there is a chance in a million that something actually walk in fire range of you...

Fubb 16-03-2011 12:36 AM

We don't use baits in Manitoba, we just sit in our stands, that are usually on the edge of a field, or on a game trail, and use deer calls and call deer in, then if one shows up, give it a pop.

Most hunting games, even the "Deer Hunter" games that are supposed to be all realistic, kind of fail at making you feel like actualy hunting does.

In other news, my dads goona help me shoot my first bear this year :D he's been a passionate hunter since he was like, 14 (he's 52) so he's pretty much an expert, and we've got a friend who lives near the mountain south of town who's shot over 23 bears from his front porch over the past few years cause they just keep wondering onto his property, so i suspect getting a bear won't be too hard :3:

DarthHelmet86 16-03-2011 12:49 AM

Dire news guys Fubb was mauled by a large bear why he tried to shoot it with a slingshot.

Hunting games are either for Die Hard hunters, who will spot how crap it is and go hunt real animals or people who can't or don't hunt but would like to. The second lot will play a game that isn't 100% real and sometimes companies play on that a bit to far and sell trash to make extra money. Nothing new.

Also with the amount of Shovelware out on the Wii picking a worst game of the year is going to be hard.

Eagle of Fire 16-03-2011 01:15 AM

Here a thought: make a list of games on the Wii which is not crap. It will be way faster this way.

gregor 16-03-2011 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Fubb (Post 424655)
Most hunting games, even the "Deer Hunter" games that are supposed to be all realistic, kind of fail at making you feel like actualy hunting does.

In other news, my dads goona help me shoot my first bear this year :D he's been a passionate hunter since he was like, 14 (he's 52) so he's pretty much an expert, and we've got a friend who lives near the mountain south of town who's shot over 23 bears from his front porch over the past few years cause they just keep wondering onto his property, so i suspect getting a bear won't be too hard :3:

well i am sure they are not as the real thing. Which game is? Flight sims? space sims?

But for us with more restrictive gun laws and woods infected with disease carrying thicks, it's the closest thing we would get to a hunting thrill. and besides i was just looking for some fun. this definatelly wasn't it. and i felt obligated to warn anyone else from attempting to try it.


Originally Posted by Wicky
Congrats on post nr. 1000 !

thanks, but i used to have over 1300 post. so i guess 300+ of those were not archived :hello:

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