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DarthHelmet86 22-01-2012 07:37 AM

Weekly Poll: What is your favourite genre on our site? Finished!
Which one of our game genres do you find yourself browsing the most? Which one has your favourite games in? Tell us now!

TotalAnarchy 22-01-2012 08:26 AM

I chose Adventure games because they're the best way to tell an interesting story. It was a close call between Adventure, Action and RPG, with Strategy and Racing closely behind.

piroklasztit 22-01-2012 11:04 AM

I would say strategies for the first place, either round based or rts. But I get so frustrated with the tough ones (sadly) like Panzer General. In that case I used editors to create an easier scenario. Second place goes to Simulation and RPG. Both

Tracker 22-01-2012 11:42 AM

Well, my favourite genre must be Adventure - about a year ago I would had to choose between this and Interactive Fiction, but since they are in the same category on site now, this is no problem to me. I like immersive stories, especially if they are told through painting quality pixel art graphics and beautiful music scores. Westwood, Sierra, LucasArts for the win!

BranjoHello 22-01-2012 12:33 PM

Voted for Action genre, because thats what it was all about back then. :old:
Strategy would be no.2 and Adventure no.3.

Smiling Spectre 22-01-2012 02:25 PM

There is no way to outwin RPG. :) As it combine every other genre. :) Well, if take definition of RPG slightly loose, it is. :) (For example, Elite is strategy and action, but it's always RPG for me).

Mighty Midget 22-01-2012 03:06 PM

Tough one. I'm torn between adventures, RPG's, strategy and sims. Landed on sims though. TIE Fighter did it!

Capo 22-01-2012 05:30 PM

I voted rpg, but im a also a fan of the adventure games present on the site.

Lulu_Jane 22-01-2012 06:30 PM

Chalk me up for adventure too, although RPG comes in at a close second.

Now where are the board and sports game fans hiding, I know you're out there somewhere :)

Eagle of Fire 22-01-2012 08:41 PM

Strategy all the way, as usual.

I also like about every other category except adventure... Never been able to like that genre. If I wish to read a story, I'll get a good book. :)

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