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rabadi 22-10-2009 06:26 AM

Help identifying an old 1960s or 1970s movie
I asked similar thing in the past, and I thought I'd ask again.

It is one of those times when I suddenly remember an old movie I watched in my childhood days, but cannot remember the title. So, I was wondering if any of fellow Abandonians here, who are always helpful with finding the names of unknown old games, can help me with finding the name of this old movie :3:

Okay, here goes: it is probably either a 1960s or 1970s movie, or perhaps early 1980s. I watched it in middle 1980s if I remember correctly, not on cinema, but on local television. It is a colored, not black and white movie. The story is about a bunch of people, trapped in a villa in a mountain. It has something to do with fashion show (maybe). Anyway, there is a murderer, and obviously several people end up dead. I remember the murderer pretends to be a sheriff or some sort of a police. He pretends to have climbed the mountain to reach the villa. I do not remember how or why those people seem to be stuck on the mountain without possibility to go down (and yet the murderer can climb the mountain). There is a cable car, probably not working (which may be the cause why these people are trapped), and the climax of the movie seems to be related with this cable car, though I cannot remember the details. The setting is modern day (for that time). One of the main protagonists is a female. One of the victims, a woman, if I remember correctly has a relationship with the murderer (either his wife, his ex-wife, or his girlfriend). That is all I can remember, the rest of the details are fuzzy.

Anybody know this movie? Thanks in advance.

Romano 22-10-2009 07:28 AM

Could be She's dressed to kill?

rabadi 23-10-2009 12:49 AM

I am not 100% positive, but judging from the comments on that IMDB page, I think it is "She's Dressed to Kill" :thumbs: :thumbs: Thanks a lot, Romano! This is really a great community!

If I may impose on you some more, mayhap you can also identify the other movie and television series I asked in the original thread (linked above)?


Here let me quote myself. For the 1st one, it is a movie:

[It is] an old 1970s/1980s movie. The movie is set in Arthurian legend, about two apprentice wizards. The king's daughter has been kidnapped by an evil sorcerer, who took her through a time portal into the future (present day). So, Merlin [(or some powerful arch-wizard)] sent these two apprentice wizards into the future as well to catch the bad guy and rescue the princess. The problem was that Merlin's magic was only powerful to protect one of these two apprentice wizards in the future, so one of them was led astray and joined the bad guy (before repenting himself by the end of the movie). That's about what I can remember. Anybody knows the title of this movie?
The movie is a live one, not a cartoon. The elder apprentice asked Merlin (or whoever that arch-wizard was) to protect his younger brother (the apprentices are brothers, if I remember correctly), but he was overconfident in himself and in the end he was led astray by the bad guy. The final battle between the younger apprentice and the bad guy may or may not involve flying dagger (sort of like the scene in The Shadow movie). The tone of the movie is fantasy with comedy element. The elder apprentice
redeemed himself in the final battle, and died saving his younger brother (maybe). He has beard, while his younger brother has not. I am not too sure about this, but perhaps the younger brother's hair is rather curly.


The second one is a television series:

[It is] a television series (with human actors, not cartoon), where a bunch of sailors were stranded on an island, and they had to survive against local pirates (no it's not Jules Verne's Mysterious Island, and it's not Gilligan's Island either), and thanks to a painted (with shark picture) tank/panzer that they had, they managed to face those pirates.
It is a live action television series, not a cartoon. The protagonists were a group of people (sailors) stranded on an island. They were helped by a local family (one adult and a few children if I remember correctly). They had to face local pirate gang. They had this tank or panzer (or whatever that vehicle was) painted with a shark picture. That vehicle has a water hose that they use to spray the pirates. The final episode of the television series if I recall correctly is that they managed to leave the island with a boat, heading towards Los Angeles (or some city with the name "Los"). Too bad the family who helped them was too late and could not join them (for reason I cannot remember).


Yeah, I sure do watch a lot of strange movies and television series in my childhood days.

Well, that's about it. Hope you or anybody else can help, Romano. Once again, thanks for "She's Dressed to Kill" :3:


EDIT: In case anybody is wondering what this movie from the original thread is:

For example, this movie about resurrected Jack the Ripper and London Bridge, where Jack the Ripper was resurrected a century later (from 19th century to 20th century) when somebody's blood unwittingly dropped on the brick in the bridge.
It is Bridge Across Time.

Himmler 23-10-2009 05:19 PM

i'm looking for a movie also. all i can remember was that it was with some kgb agent who had a gun incorporated in a camera

rabadi 25-10-2009 02:27 AM

@ Romano: I managed to get hold of "She's Dressed to Kill" and am pleased to report that it is the correct movie :thumbs:

@ Himmler: A bit more info please. Is ts black and white or colored movie? Roughly when was it played? Any other info?

Frodo 25-10-2009 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Himmler (Post 386258)
i'm looking for a movie also. all i can remember was that it was with some kgb agent who had a gun incorporated in a camera

A View To A Kill - one of the Bond films. :)

Himmler 26-10-2009 09:50 AM

it's B&W and that's like the only thing i can remember, i was very young... about 8 or 7 yo which means i saw it in 1996 so the movie must be made in the '60s or '50s
thanks frodo, i'll try that too :D

rabadi 27-10-2009 02:21 AM

Well, if google is to be trusted, there was this 1940 Alfred Hitchcock's movie "Foreign Correspondent" which has "camera with gun attachment".

Himmler 27-10-2009 07:04 AM

i should have known it was hitchcock's >.> thanks alot!

Sarin 27-10-2009 01:56 PM

Hey...this can be turned into a forum game...someone up for it?

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