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thestairs 10-12-2004 01:25 AM

Ok, so I have Dosbox. How do I run a game using dosbox? keep in mind, i'm pretty computer illiterate. seriously, it's disgusting. i need step by step please! :help:

Eagle of Fire 10-12-2004 01:52 AM

Newbie Guide to DOSBox.

Ask again if you still need help after reading this. :)

Classic Pig 10-12-2004 01:56 AM

Ok well here goes - I am new to this whole thing but will give it a bash.

1- This post will probably be moved to the recycle bin :bye:
2- Which system are you running?:huh:

3- Open dos Box
- type in "mount c c:\" and enter (without the "") this will mount your c: drive onto dos box.
- type "c:" this will take you to your c: drive.
- to navigate around the box there are a few things you need to know

typing "dir" will give you a list of all the files and folders in your current directory - much like double clicking on an icon in windows. If there are many files you can type "dir/w" or "dir/w/p" which will list the files and folders across the screen.

to get to a folder listed type "cd" followed by a space and then the directory name. eg is if directory name is abando~1 you would type in "cd abando~1" and then hit enter.

Once you are in the correct directory type in the name of the file you want to run eg: go.exe you would just type "go". If you don't know what the file name is that you need to run the.exe files are the ones which usually are udes to run the program. To get a list of files you can type "dir *." followed by the file extension eg to get all .exe files listed you type "dir *.exe"

Also with dos-box there is a help file which gives all the rest of the stuff you need to know from here on.

Hope i made a bit of sense :blink:

Happy gaming! :Brain: :Titan:

** edit alert**
Have just read the newbie guide - trust the geniuses at DosBox to make me look thick - Oh well! :kosta:

wormpaul 10-12-2004 07:21 AM

Or Otherwise contact someone at MSN..

Just look in the profile to someone who can help you... :ok:

Data 10-12-2004 09:16 AM

and other useful feauture to know:

if you are looking for which program to run just press tab.

thestairs 10-12-2004 07:10 PM

it works!!! :D

Danny252 10-12-2004 07:17 PM

you only just worked that out? of course it works! why else would we let you use it?

FreeFreddy 10-12-2004 07:21 PM

Danny, keep cool. He told in the first post that he didn't know how to work with it.

Eagle of Fire 10-12-2004 07:22 PM

Happy to have been of help TheStairs.

Happy gaming! :)

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