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TheChosen 14-04-2012 09:22 PM

The Worst movies of all time
The purpose of this thread is to find some of the most horrible, god-awful movies ever made. And Im not referring to something like "God I hate Avatar" or some cheaply made B-movie that tries its best, but the one's that are bad all around: bad acting, bad writing, bad directing, bad ideas and maybe even bad editing. The one's that make you feel like watching it kills your braincells. Could be hilariously bad or painfully bad. Or both.

So post links, Youtube videos, reviews and stuff. And remember, we're talking about the best of the worst.

Originally this started out as a chatbox discussion with me and Midget. I posted the only worthwhile scene from Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus, he posted the trailer for Sharktopus (yes, a hybrid of a shark and octopus). And I had to top it off with one of the worst movies I've ever heard...The Birdemic.

Whats worse than using CGI? Using gifs. Also, this is supposed to be a serious movie and not a comedy.

Other movie I can remember as bad is "The Room". Yes, the incredible work of Tommy Wiseau who produced, directed, wrote and starred it, and because of Tommy's incredible talent it was later referred to as black comedy instead of serious drama.

This is just one scene. For proper view of the movie, I recommend the Nostalgia Critics review of it. Or just try to watch it. Your taste & sanity.

You know...I should have probably mentioned this one before the Birdemic. After that, this one doesnt seem so bad.

Mighty Midget 14-04-2012 09:44 PM

I swear, that birdie flick... it can't be beat :what:

but I now feel obliged to remind you of

Tracker 14-04-2012 11:27 PM

Pretty-pretty please, let me introduce a little music-video spin off to this thread (let us save the really big movies for later):

Turkish Batman called.... Bedmen:

Epic fight scene from 10:25. I'll be sure to watch it in it's glorious entirety, I haven't watched films I don't understand a word from since I was 6, when I watched some awful german dubbed chuck norries movie to the end of a VHS tape's life expectancy.

No words for this... 16:27



And moar music:

And yeah these aren't birdemic, but worth watching I guess ^^

dosraider 15-04-2012 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by TheChosen (Post 441618)
.... And I had to top it off with one of the worst movies I've ever heard...The Birdemic.

WAW, did I really saw them shooting flying birds ....???
Makes me think back about my mil service and weaps training, ah well, it was 1974, and we only had some FAL and brownings to play with, but shooting birds in the air with solid ammo....?????
WAW, simply "WAW" those peeps must be the best marksmen evah.

Japo 15-04-2012 03:52 PM

Picking Up the Pieces (2000)

Lulu_Jane 15-04-2012 04:47 PM

Wow, Woody Allen must have really needed to pay some bills or something.

arete 16-04-2012 07:22 AM

Just watch out for that gloopy tar. It's just not a good place, is all I'm saying...

Tracker 22-04-2012 09:59 AM

PaulBearer 24-04-2012 08:09 AM

Manos - The Hands of Fate
The Beast of Yucca Flats
are probably the worst ones I ever saw. I actually like bad movies, they're usually funny, but those two shouldn't even be called movies, watching them just made me aggressive since nobody involved had any bit of talent or at least tried to do something more than the absolute minimum.

Manos was filmed with a camera that could only record 32 seconds of film, that explains the quality of the movie a bit. No, that's no joke.

DarthHelmet86 24-04-2012 11:35 AM

Avatar. Truly I could list a lot of movies that are big budget over hyped fails, but they made a lot of money so they have a market. I just prefer my movies to have some thought put into them and not just be about making the biggest explosions to distract people...oh and a certain Director stealing my childhood cartoons from me. Of course I also love a good B grade or lower movie, but part of that is the charm they can have and the idea that the people involved wanted to make that film no matter what.

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